chainsaw part 3

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Jayden grabs the killer by his feet as she drags him by the window as she opens it seeing nobody around as she pushed the window open before useing her upper body strength as she picks the killer up and pushes him out the window as they fall to the ground with a thud before she climbs on to the ledge as she jumps down.

"That had to hurt"randy whistles.

Boone winces remembering the bruises ribs and back as Jayden smirks coldy.

She then drags them back to her house hidden in the woods as she drags him inside as the door closed.

She leaves them there as she takes her custome off with a pissed off look as she puts it in a hiding spot.

"Yeah one thing you should know about me I don't share my pray"Jayden says twirling her knife as she smirks coldy at Hester,Boone and Gigi who shiver remembering being on the end of her wrath.

She then grabs a chair as she sits it in the middle of the room as she then throws the killers body into a chair as she ties him up tightly before pulling a cart out with different knifes with a sharpener as she sharpens her knifes while waiting for his ass to wake up.

The killer then soon groans awake as they look around confused before seeing that they are tied up as they struggle.

"Don't bother I tied those ropes tight your ass ain't going anywhere until I get some answers"she says coldy as she sharpens a knife.

She gets up as she walks around as the killer watches her every move.

"See I don't play nice when someone stills my prey im quite known for my temper "she says tilting there head up with a knife.

"She's right her and Billy have the same temper when something or someone messes up there plans"Stu says shoving popcorn in his mouth.

"But now that I have you useless now we can get started Boone"she says with a smirk as the red devil froze as she takes his mask up.

"It was you you killed our fellow brothers"Chad says in betrayal.

"Oh plays most of them were fuckin morons besides earl"Jayden sassed not feeling sorry and some of the boys deaths.

"How did you know"he asked shocked.

"Please it wasn't hard to figure out with you I mean it's the easiest way take your self off of the suspect list"she says circling around him.

"She's got a point it makes since "tatum says.

"Pulse you three were really awkward and obvious "Jayden says with a shrug of her shoulders as she messed with her nails.

"No my first question who are the other two lackeys and remember wrong and answer an I get Handy with this knife kay"she says with a cold smile holding the knife teasingly.

"There's me , my sister Hester and Gigi but me and my sister are doing this for our mother"he is explaining as she nods her head.

Chanel glares" I knew it was you"she snares at Hester who gives her a deadly look as jayden smirks.

"Honey probably not the best way to piss of a killer who's after your skinny ass"Jayden says with a laugh.

"But wait how are you not scared"Boone asked confused.

She lets out a cold laugh as she crunches down in front of him" honey iv down a lot of killing in my years first with my abuser then any men or women who did wrong or vile things hell I'm carrying on my little brothers dream"she says standing back up with a smirk.

"What do you mean"he asked.

"How much do you know of the woodsboro murders in 96"she asked.

"Just that two high schoolers billy Loomis and Stu marcher went on a killing spree "Boone says.

Billy and Stu glare at Sidney who cowers hiding behind Dewey if it wasn't for her they both would still be alive.

"Well billy Loomis is my little brother I carry on his legacy of ghosts face"she says coldy with a deadly smirk as his eyes widen having heard of the familiar name.

"So here how this is going to go I hold your life in my hands so if you don't want to die a horrible death you will do what I say deal"she says as he nods his head.

"That's the loomis fire"billy says as he and his older sister smirk.

"So you will tell me when you plan on killing and you will do as I say"she says as she trwils her knife as he nods his head as she smirks"good now time for you to go night night"she says before knocking him out again as she smirks.

"You are the most awesome killer I'm glad to be friends with"Stu says with a giddy smile.

"Well I'm glad I can still be a role model"Jayden says with a smirk.

"Role model she should be locked up"sideny spat as Stu ,billy and Jayden look at her Coldy.

"At least I wasn't weak like you bitch"Jayden snaps throwing a knife as Sidney screams in pain when it stabs her in the arm as her friends worry over her as Jayden smirks.

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