Chapter 5: Deal

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Aurora's P.O.V

"How is it you came to be a Guardian of Middle Earth? Who are you? What are you? What makes you different and more worthy than everyone else to have been granted this title?" Thorin asks rudely and I snort at him because of this.

"What I am or how I came to be, is not what we are discussing at this moment in time Thorin." I glare at him and he gives me an equal one back. "So, let me remind you. From what little I have gathered. Gandalf has chosen Bilbo as your fourteenth member of your company, you have agreed to his choosing but will not accept Bilbo nor take responsibility for his safety or well being."

A muscle twitches along his jaw as it clenches.

"The quest you are taking is to reclaim your homeland from the dragon that took it from you in the first place, to steal the Arkenstone, which will apparently give you your right back as King, so you can command the seven dwarven armies and then march upon the mountain to slay said dragon. Am I getting warm?" Another twitch, the damn fool is going to break a tooth soon.

"And the reasoning for this, is because that fool of a Wizard has taken it upon himself to go off on his own and try to snuff out the evil wherever he sees fit." I mutter to myself and hear a chuckle off into the hallway. I glare in the direction and hope the speaker can feel it. "Even though you and your kin, are very much happy and settled in the Blue Mountains."

Another twitch of the jaw and this time a twitch of the eyebrow too.

"He's asked you to do this, 60 years later after the sacking of Erebor. He's encouraged you to gather your kin, many of which who have refused to follow you, for lack of said jewel. Which makes me wonder as to how your kin truly see you."

"Lassie-." I hear Balin start to disagree with me but I flick my hand slightly, shushing him.

"But saying that, you have but a handful who have proven their loyalty to you." I say somewhat admirably. "Without the numbers you need, you have been given no choice but to carry on with the small company, you have agreed to let Gandalf choose your last member, Bilbo. Gandalf has done this, partially to spite me but also because the shire folk, are light on their feet, they can very much going nigh undetectable to that of the most seasoned of warriors. The dragon will most likely not hear him coming nor will he be accustomed to the scent of a hobbit considering he's spent the last 60 years holed up in a mountain that homed thousands of dwarves."

"The reasoning behind Gandalf's decision making, selfish or not, is unfortunately sound. In regards to Bilbo, but yours behind giving Bilbo your protection, is not. So, I am standing in front of you, as a Guardian of Middle and as his sister, accepting, quite happily, wholeheartedly and without question to take that responsibility, should he agree to join your quest. Whatever it is you have offered Bilbo as compensation, it shall be Bilbo's and Bilbo's alone. I want nothing of it. I am here for Bilbo. Your offer does not stand for me, I do not have to sign you're contract because I do not need it as I will not be part of this company. Nor do I need your word or your protection, not that it means much to you evidently. You can like this or not. It doesn't bother me. I've dealt with people and Kings such as yourself before, nothing will sway me. But either way, if Bilbo says yes, be assured you will be seeing more of me."

"Lass-." Balin starts again.

"However." I pause and give Balin a small look. "Regardless as to my age, race or gender. I will prove to you that I am not a selfish dwarf such as yourself, who would risk the life of someone who is not his kin. I will protect whoever I can with every part of my being, I will fight to my last breath and then some, because that is who I am. My ability to care for and protect others does not stop because they are of a different race, species, or gender. That is why I am a Guardian, so if at any point in this quest, there are dangers that could harm anyone, I will not be bitter or selfish. I will not hesitate or withhold my help to anyone, including you Thorin Oakenshield." Slight muttering from several mouths carry through from the hallway but I'm too busy staring down the stubborn dwarf in front of me to take notice of the words being spoken.

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