Chapter 12...Love Always

Start from the beginning

But aside from fricking Harry Potter (the coolest wizard alive, by the way), it's good that you're making friends, even if school is tough. I can't wait to meet everyone!

I miss you loads too, Rose! And I'm so excited for Christmas break — only a couple weeks away now!

If you really want to, I guess we can spend the Holidays with Draco's family. His dad is a little mean, but it'll be fine as long as you're there.

I love you, Rose! Miss you like crazy.

Love always,

(PS: Tell Candace and Amanda that I will deliver on my promise to bring them KitKats and lots of those "hard chewy things" — whatever those are supposed to be)

Rose clutched the letter to her chest. Any words from Ollie always felt like a gift to her, even though she rolled her eyes at his obsession with Harry Potter and use of the word "fricking," a term she forbade him from speaking. She really did miss her brother.

"He's such a goofball," she chuckled, shaking her head fondly as she read his enthusiastic mention of Harry Potter.

Candace and Amanda watched Rosemary's reaction with amusement, their mood lightening from their earlier conversation seeing their friend so happy. "I can't wait to meet him next year," Candace said.

"Yeah, you guys will love him. Everyone does," Rosemary replied, still grinning as she tucked the letter away safely in her bag.

Amanda leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So, what's he like? Your brother, I mean. I know you've told us a lot about him already but I'm curious."

Rosemary's smile softened as she thought of Ollie. "He's... he's my best friend, you know? Even though he's miles away, he always knows how to make me laugh."

Her voice tinged with a teasing lilt, Candace said, "I thought we were your best friends."

"You are," the blonde laughed, "but he's...Ollie, you know?" She searched for the right word to describe all that her little brother meant to her, but she ultimately came up with nothing. "No one could replace him. Not even you two," she said.

The girls nodded in understanding. "Sounds like you two are pretty close."

Rosemary nodded and smiled softly, a hint of homesickness tugging at her heart. "You have no idea."

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October 3rd, 1988

The wind howled outside, rattling the windows as rain pounded against the roof of the small cottage. Inside, eight-year-old Rosemary lay in bed, wide awake, listening to the ominous sounds of the storm. But it wasn't the storm that had her worried—it was the quiet sniffles coming from the room beside hers.

Flipping the sheets over, she walked quietly over to her little brother's room, shutting the door behind her carefully. She sat on the edge of his bed.

"Ollie?" Rosemary whispered, sitting up and peering over at her five-year-old brother, who was curled up under his blanket, trembling.

Ollie sniffled again and nodded, his eyes wide with fear. "I...I think there's a monster under my bed, Rose," he whimpered.

Rosemary's heart squeezed with empathy as she swung her legs over the side of her bed and tiptoed over to Ollie's bedside. "Don't worry, Ollie. I'll protect you," she said soothingly. She would quell all his fears.

She knelt down and peered under the bed, where there was nothing but dust bunnies and a few forgotten toys. "See, nothing here, bud," she declared, giving Ollie a reassuring smile.

But Ollie's eyes widened even further. "B-but what about the closet, Rose? What if it's hiding in there?"

Rosemary bit her lip but crossed the room to the closet. Opening the door carefully for Ollie's sake, she peered inside.

But once again, there was nothing but clothes and shoes. "See, Ollie? No monsters here either," she said as she closed the closet door.

She readied herself to leave and head back to her bedroom so that Ollie could finally get some rest, but she waited for confirmation that he was alright first.

Ollie's lower lip trembled as he looked up at her with tear-filled eyes. "C-can you stay with me, Rose? Just until I fall asleep?"

Rosemary's heart melted at the sight of her little brother's vulnerability. Without hesitation, she climbed into bed beside him and pulled him close, wrapping her arms around him protectively.

"Of course, Ollie. I'll always be here to keep you safe," she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"Thank you," he mumbled, Ollie nuzzling his head underneath his older sister's chin.

"I love you, Ollie, always," she promised.

His voice just above a whisper as he drifted off into dream land, Ollie said, "I love you, too, Rose, always."

And as she began to softly sing him a lullaby, Rosemary felt a warm sense of love and devotion wash over her. She would keep her promise to Ollie — to love him for always. He was her little brother, and even then, at the ripe age of eight, she knew she would do whatever it took to keep him safe. Rosemary would always fight off the monsters lurking in the darkness for him, both tangible and imaginary.

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Returning to the present, Rosemary pushed aside the lingered memories she had savored, letting them fade into the background as she refocused on the present moment. Smiling warmly at her friends, she spoke with a note of sincerity lacing her words, "Thanks for always being there for me, guys. I know I can be a bit...oblivious at times, but I really appreciate you looking out for me."

Candace and Amanda exchanged gentle nods, their expressions filled with understanding and kindness.

"I just... I don't have the capacity to deal with it all right now," Rosemary continued, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I have a family to think of — I have Ollie to think of — and I'm all he's got," she confessed, the weight of responsibility evident in her words. "I don't have time to get caught up in boys and teenage drama. I have to take care of him. Can't you guys just try to understand that?"

Amanda's forehead wrinkled with concern as she offered sincere apologies, her voice soft and apologetic. "We're really sorry, Rose. We didn't mean to push you. We know you have a lot going on, and we didn't mean to add to your stress," she said, her eyes reflecting genuine remorse. Candace nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Amanda's sentiment.

Rosemary's smile widened, a sense of relief washing over her at her friends' understanding. "Don't worry about it," she reassured them, her tone filled with warmth. "Let's just put it behind us and enjoy some time together. How about a game of wizard chess in the commons?" she suggested, a playful glint in her eyes.

With a collective nod of agreement, they rose from the table, their conversation shifting to lighter topics as they made their way out of the Great Hall. Rosemary felt a sense of relief wash over her as all thoughts of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy's feud fled her mind. Instead, she focused on the simple pleasure of spending time with her friends and the days ahead. Soon, she would get to see Ollie, and that was all that mattered.

Still, a sense of dread filled her as she realized what she would have to ask of that Potter boy after reading her little brother's letter...

But surely, his head could not get any bigger, right?

A Tale as Old as Time (Harry James Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now