{JenSoo} - you're tired but can't fall asleep (requested)

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Laying between your girlfriends, you continued to toss and turn restlessly.

You try to resist the urge to look at the clock on the wall yet again because you know it's late and another glance at the time will only make you feel more anxious.

You had the longest day and your eyes are so heavy but no matter what you do, you just can't seem to fall asleep.

You listened to Jennie and Jisoo breathe softly beside you and you hoped that it would help you drift off to sleep as you closed your eyes and waited for sleep to overwhelm you.

But, just as it's been for the last couple of hours, despite feeling exhausted, you just couldn't get to sleep.

You just laid still and felt the anxiety creeping up on you more and more as time continued to tick by.

You opened your eyes once more and stared at the ceiling with a heavy breath before rubbing your eyes.

"This is impossible." You huffed in frustration before sitting up.

You didn't want to wake your girlfriends.

They've both been working so hard lately and they have a busy day ahead of them tomorrow as well.

The last thing you want is to disturb their sleep.

You let out a heavy sigh and brushed your hands across your face before scooting to the edge of the bed.

You planned to go and get some water and, perhaps, getting up for a few minutes would help you to feel less anxious and it would wear you out a little more.

But as soon as you swung your legs over the bed and went to get up, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you.

"Where are you going?" Jisoo mumbled tiredly.

"I can't sleep." You sighed.

"Are you not tired?"

"No, I am." You said. "That's the problem. I'm so tired but nothing I do is helping me get to sleep."

Just then, the lamp turned on and a whine left Jennie's lips as she sat up.

"What's happening?"

"Y/N can't sleep," Jisoo replied.

"What? It's almost two-thirty in the morning." Jennie spoke. "Why can't you sleep, baby?"

"Who knows." You sighed.

"Can you please lay back down? Maybe some cuddles will help." Jisoo suggested.

"I don't know. The longer I lay down without being able to fall asleep, the more anxious I get." You spoke before running your fingers through your hair.

"Tell you what - if you still can't get to sleep after fifteen minutes, we'll all get up and go get some water and see if it helps at all. Until then, lay down and cuddle with your girls." Jennie said.

"Well, alright." You said with a little smile, making them both chuckle softly.

"Come here, baby." Jennie smiled as you laid back down between her and Jisoo.

They wrapped their arms around you and while Jisoo played with your hair, Jennie brushed her fingers along your skin in hopes that it would help comfort you.

"Close your eyes," Jisoo whispered.

You did as she said, hoping that their soothing touches would help you drift off to sleep.

And, instead of singing you a song, they began to talk to you about their days and the things they're working on individually and with the girls.

They told you all about their solo music that they've been working hard on lately, Jisoo told you about her acting roles and other ones she's considering, and Jennie told you all about the vlogs she has prepared to do and the variety shows she's going to be on before telling you all about BLACKPINK's upcoming plans.

It did leave you feeling excited and, on any other night, it would probably leave you so excited you wouldn't be able to sleep.

But they know your weakness is their caresses and their soft voices in your ears.

And you had been a little tired already, just not enough to get to sleep.

With their help, your eyes began to feel heavy and you felt yourself slowly but surely drifting off to sleep.

"Sleep tight, angel," Jennie whispered in your ear.

"We love you lots," Jisoo said.

"Love you both too." You mumbled as you fell asleep, the thing you've been needing all along having been them, as always.

Jennie turned off the light before she and Jisoo said goodnight to each other and fell asleep happy, all because they'd helped you finally fall asleep and get some good rest, just like you deserved.

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