Feels like hope again

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The clock chimes as Noodle drags the cart to the town square. Eliza was dressed in a mock bakers uniform for the restaurant nearby. She and Willy watched as their first customer arrived at the restaurant and sat on one of the outside chairs. Willy walks over to the man.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Oh, Waiter. Do you have anything for a broken heart?"

Eliza watched as Willy leaned over to the man and looked back and forth, signaling to Eliza to come over.

"So the taxis never stop, the girls think you're a flop," Willy started to sing.

"You're wet and cold, you're getting old, your confidence is shot." Eliza sang.

"It's true," the man said defeated.

"When people look at you, they seem to look straight through, or like you're something brown they found upon the bottom of their shoe." Willy sang.

"...Have you been following me?"

Eliza put a finger to the man's lips.

"But this should lift your gloom. Our giraffe milk macaroon! Restores your zeal and makes you feel the tallest in the room!" Eliza gestured to Willy as he made the macaroons appear like magic.

"Goodbye to feeling small and frightened of it all! Just eat a few of these, soon you'll be feeling ten feet tall!" Willy sang as the man ate one of the macaroons. Customers watch as he stands, climbs onto the table and starts to dance with newfound confidence. Willy joins the man on the table and dances with him.

"Well there's chocolate!"

"And there's chocolate!"

Eliza climbs onto a table and cups her hands around her mouth to shout.

"Only Wonka's makes your confidence sky-rocke-let!"

A crowd gathered around Willy and started to give him money for the chocolate.

"Put your hand into your pocke-let!"

"Get yourself some Wonka chocolate!" Eliza advertised.

Eliza watched as the, now confident, man walked over to a lady and sang.

"Madam, just one kiss?"

"Yes, please!" The woman smiled as they kissed.

As they kiss, Noodle -- who has been keeping watch -- spots the chief leading a handful of officers on bicycles towards the square. She puts her fingers to her lips and whistles to Willy and Eliza.

Willy grabs Eliza's hand and leads her to one of the sewer drains. They high-five once they were in the clear.

"I can handle the trolley. I know how to gossip and make this sale."

Willy hugged Eliza.

"I know you can! Now let's go."

Eliza and Willy successfully snuck onto the trolley, Willy wore a ticketmaster's uniform while Eliza wore Willy's plum-colored coat and buttoned it up.

"Have you tried his new one?" A woman nearby asked her friend.


"Oh you've got to have a go!"

Eliza walked in-between the two ladies and sold them both the new chocolate.

"Just pop one in and everything becomes a Broadway Show!"

The ladies eat the chocolate and start singing and dancing. The effect of the chocolate.

"The news that makes you gasp! The joke that makes you laugh!"

Willy sells some chocolate to the rest of the passengers.

"All that you say and do all day will be choreographed!"

At a barbershop, Willy and Eliza were disguised as hairdressers. Three bald men and a bald cat were nearby. Eliza gave a giddy smile as this was one of the first baked good that she made for Willy's collection.

"Lost your hair? Can't think where?" Willy addressed the balding men.

"Feeling fairly bare up there." The man sadly said.

Eliza held out a plate of four eclairs.

"Don't despair I come prepared, behold our hair repair eclair!" Eliza giggled.

The three men took three of the desserts and were about to take a bite before Eliza gave a warning.

"It's made from ground vanilla from the mountains of Manilla. Take heed, eat more than three and you'll end up like a gorilla."

Back at the tram, the people continued to sing.

"Well there's chocolate..."

The men, once bald, now sported a full head of hair as Willy and Eliza styled it.

"And there's chocolate!"

The people on the tram spun Eliza around in excitement.

"Only Wonka's makes you Rock around the clock-elet!"

Lottie -- who is near the front keeping watch -- sees the police approaching and rings the bell to warn Willy and Eliza. The two run towards the engine hatch and into the storm drain, just in time for the police to enter the trolley.

"Put your hand into your pocke-let! Get yourself–"

"Oh put a sock in it! Make sure they're all frisked! Have you ever had chocolate like this?" The chief sings as he tries to find the pair. He finds the broadway chocolate and gives it to Affable. Affable eats it and immediately feels the effects of the chocolate.

"I've never had chocolate like this!"















Later that night, Willy, Noodle, and Eliza were in the kitchens trying to teach Willy how to bake and read.

"Well, there's literate and illiterate," Noodle began as Willy sat at the counter watching as Eliza baked some simple chocolate chip cookies.

"Could you tell me how to spell this?" Eliza asked Willy as she gestured to the cookies.

"Not a bit of it."

"Well, it's mostly vowels with little consonants." Noodle explained.

"What's that now?" Willy asked as he took and ate a cookie. "You're talking nonse-nence."

Noodle gave a frustrated groan as she, herself, took a cookie.

"We should call it quits."

Eliza put a kind hand on the girl's shoulder.

"But we've never sold chocolate like this," Eliza giggled as she stole Willy's cookie out of his hand and ate the rest of it.

Willy is in the town square, back where he started, selling from a little cart, but no longer to one man; a huge crowd surrounds him, buying chocolate as fast as they can. Eliza stands next to him and finds some courage.

"Well there's chocolate and there's chocolate!" The crowd sings.

"Only Wonka's gets you buying wedding frock-lets!" Willy sings before Eliza put a hand to his cheek. Willy turned to her confused before feeling his lips on hers. It was only for a moment, but to Willy, it lasted a lifetime.

Eliza looked at Willy with hope. That's what the feeling felt like, hope. That's how she felt when she was with Willy. Willy returned her gaze with a giddy smile before giving her a kiss on the lips again. Before they can talk about what has happened, they run to the storm drain, nearly escaping the police once more. Little did they know, a piece of Willy's sleeve tore off and was visible from the outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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