Before Skye Disappeared- Part Five

Start from the beginning

As Skye looked around at the dejected look on many of their faces, Atlas made his way over to her. Seeing as Macy was distracted, they shared a quick kiss, and they both looked upon their fellow Renegades together. Even Israel was sat in the corner, looking about as dejected as the rest of them. 

"How's Israel doing?" Skye asked, and Atlas heaved a sigh. 

"I'm worried about him. I mean, he always seemed sad, but the longer he's in the City, the worse it gets. I don't think seeing the rest of the Renegades so melancholy helps," Atlas admitted, and Skye's brows furrowed. 

"And why does everyone have such long faces?" Skye wondered, and Atlas shrugged, his face somewhere between indifferent and saddened. Skye hated seeing that look on his face, and no matter what he told her, she swore to herself to find a way to make him smile. 

"They're beginning to lose hope. We all are. Two years in the City, in this damn building, it's been taking a toll. The Vultures have finally started to come around, questioning us, trying to break our spirits. Between that and being left to rot here, I think most of them are giving up hope of ever seeing the Outside again," Atlas explained, and Skye nodded in thought. 

"By the way, who coined the term 'Vultures'? I really must thank them for that. It's genius," Skye mentioned, and Atlas looked over at her with a raised brow. 

"That's what you got from all that?" 

"No, that's not the only thing. Well, I suppose I better go out there and be the leader. They need their hope back," Skye said. At that moment, Macy ran back over to her, and she ruffled the child's hair. "Hey, Macy. You want to see what being a leader is all about?" 

"Yeah!" Macy exclaimed, and Skye told her to stand with Atlas. Skye watched as the child took Atlas's hand, and the three of them walked over to where the rest of the Renegades were. It wasn't a large group, as only fifteen of them had survived thus far. They'd lost a few Renegades in the two years they'd been in the City, and Skye knew that was part of why they were losing hope. How many more would have to die? But if Skye had her way, the answer would be none. 

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Skye called out, and every Renegade turned to face her. She knew some faces were missing from the crowd, a few Renegades that, like her, had managed to hide their true loyalties. Like Taryn. She'd make sure someone got word to those missing Renegades, and if they wanted to make their escape with them, they'd be more than welcome. If they weren't ready, Skye wouldn't force them to go. The crowd quickly quieted, and Skye looked over to Macy, who was hanging onto every word her big sister spoke. "I know things seem pretty bad right now." 

"That's putting it lightly." Skye didn't know which Renegade had said that, but she wasn't going to grace it with a response. She had a job to do, after all. 

"I know what some people are saying, both within and outside of the Renegades. They're saying that we'll never leave this place alive. Well, I call bullshit on that! We are Renegades! We are fighters! And I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel like the City has outstayed its welcome. It's time to remind every Citizen just who the Renegades are. 

"So drop the metaphorical knives. When I look around, I do not see a room of suicides. I do not see a room of victims. I see a room of people who have been put into an impossible situation. But I also see a room of people who are strong enough to rise against it. And I think I need to remind all of you just what you're capable of. Because while you're sitting here, thinking you'll never escape the City, you're forgetting one crucial thing. And do you know what that thing is?" Skye asked, and for a few moments, there was nothing but silence. 

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