Chapter 36 - When did Ascension been this easy?

Start from the beginning

What stood was Erix but not just normal humanoid form rather he had a different demeanor than before and was more wild yet rulely. The armor that he wore had completely fused into his body appearing like it was his flesh and exo skeleton where it has large eyes in the middle chest and two above and below around it then each shoulder had one with their irises and pupil having the intricate design.

The previously mentioned armor exoskeleton had black patterns and the previous crown like horns change where one it was only a pair of two horns but pointed downward around his cheek. It had curved horns and beautifully patterned scales with a dragon tail behind him and a Tenne cloth around him having appeared like Vijrarakshasa Overlord but different and akin to variant. He still had his [ Crown of Crimson monarch ] but appeared a more simpler and actual crown.

He took deep breath acquiring a large pool before exhaling released a massive wave of power from merely flexing where Arryn and Amaia in their semi physical form took aback shielding themselves before they saw Erix look at his hand and over his shoulder. He appeared more of a deity than before and looked at them, making them perplexed.

Erix turned aside and lightly swung his fist instantly creating a gale of wind that shook the whole room that he was residing in.

"How surprising…." He expected that his strength would reach a new level but never this point. World Enemies from Yggdrasil were nothing to him anymore and easily killed them with ease where his ascension provided him concrete information about his previous battle and how he would fare now. Erix turned to Arryn and Amaia who approached him congratulating him for his ascension and he nodded before he asked them something.

"How long was I out?"

"We've placed thee into a Time Bubble where it took thee a week while only a few hours outside." Arryn answered while Erix rubbed his chin and continued.

"How about the others, have you informed them what happened?"

"No need to worry, I've informed Albedo in regards to your evolution." This time Amaia answered, resulting in Erix giving a satisfied nod and quickly began to ask what the power that his new skill provided. He learned that his long awaited [ Lord of Gluttony, Beelzebuth ] had arrived and eager to devour every concept later but for now he acquired a skilled called [ Ultimate Skill: Lord of Vengeance, Simikiel ] and [ Ultimate Skill: Lord of Deception, Lucifero ].

The former has the same skill as [ Lord of Vows, Uriel ] with added effect where any attack regardless of resistance and barrier nor space between would always ultimately hit the target directly at their soul ensuring that he is able to hit them. The skill itself absorbed the unique skill [ Gungnir ] from the thugs he had killed from Dwargon few days ago. This means that Erix has an unavoidable attack unless specific condition are met.

The latter on the other hand was vastly more powerful having used it unique [ Cook ] birthed to a skill that essentially deny any forms of phenomenon and concept where Erix can deny dying, power, even losing.

'Basically all fiction?'

Erix thought to himself recalling All fiction was a powerful ability but still had few flaws. He had roughly 6 Ultimate skills making a force to be reckoned with. He was satisfied at his skill and the two women return to their true form a few minutes later Erix he took out the orc corpse that he had since he summoned the Primordial Daemon into his command.

Erix thought that it's better to have them before someone else takes them. He was confident to take all of them with ease and he needed to relieve some steam to readjust his power since he couldn't even move without causing earth shattering vibration from his step. It was an exaggeration since his personal world is weaker than the outside since it's still young compared to the age of the Central axist world.

Normally it's impossible to summon primordials since they don't just answer without reason but not for Erix who used [ Lord of Rift, Ginnungagap ] to peer through the Daemon world before locking his target where to his shock found 6 Primordials.

'Guess Guy never summoned them like the Web novel.' In front of Erix, six a summoning circle formed in a different color corresponding to a different nobility. Blue, Green, White, Black, Purple and Yellow.

"Arise my demons, accept these corpses as feast and come to your new Lord."

Erix spoke with a serious tone. The demon flames started glowing in different colors, filling up with intense magic before exploding in a burst of magicules. Erix felt his power had been drained and witnessed 6 power individuals with each having two more following them most likely their "descendent". They were all brimming with power looking intently at Erix standing before them with a satisfied smile.

"What the f*ck are you all doing here!?"

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