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You were kind of like an assistant with no real role, just an extra hand in whatever was needed by you to step in as, of course with the extra pay.

You oddly enough enjoyed the learning opportunity to understand what your were on the other side of as a teen. Now you got to see what it was like to be a sensei, deal with higher ups (which was no ones favorite), and be apart of something that wasn't too bad. After all, Jujutsu High had become like a home when you attended, and it was nice to have somewhere to call that again.

Although, your time began to run together. You were well acquainted with the current faculty and work by now, and you were getting bored. You were a strong sorcerer and they had you doing measly paperwork along with lower level missions that you were able to breeze through no issue.

You were already staying longer than expected, getting more attached than you had expected, in only a short time too.

You were staying, stuck, and the kids even took a liking to you; constantly asking for your presence or opinion. They weren't giving you a way out, and you didn't know if you wanted one, but also not having the option felt almost claustrophobic.

You couldn't run, not yet, and you didn't know if you'd let yourself this time. Especially because now you had unfinished business.

You had a tall shadow following you that you still owed answers, and were hoping to get some for yourself.

You both were on a small walk as Gojo's kids continued unsupervised training and you wondered if your younger self would be okay with the idea that you came back to the place it all started. You were still weighing your options on staying. While Gojo was a decent reason to delay your decision, you couldn't avoid it forever.


"Hm.", he instantly perked, always prepared to give you attention when you asked because he loved the way his name flowed in your voice.

"If you weren't working here, what do you think you'd be doing?"

"Dunno.", He hummed leisurely with his hands beginning to sweat in his pant pockets.

He knew why you were asking and hated the idea of it. He knew as soon as he marked you in his mind as an interest, he'd do whatever he'd have to to delay your move. So maybe he'd lie a little... He wouldn't tell you that if he didn't work for the school and didn't have a clan to tie him down, he'd probably travel and do exactly what you were before coming here. Probably find new bakeries, enjoy the sweets of the worlds. Sight see. All of it, while taking down curses. Even if that answer was his initial response, he knew it all came back to being lonely. That lifestyle would grow boring, repetitive in trying to find something to give his life meaning.

"You don't know?", you pressure.

Like he was thinking, there was a million things the world had to offer, but, "If i left this place, I'd be bored. There would be so much to do, but no one to share it with. How lame would that be.", he bluntly said, catching you off guard with his sincerity. It wasn't all a lie. His answer was his true feelings which he rarely shared. He wouldn't want to leave, and didn't want you to leave. You were apart of the people he wanted to share his experiences with.

"Hm...", You pondered dumbfounded as your brows furrowed together, walking silently beside the long strides you forgot to keep up with, "Although- the expanse of different bakeries i would be exposed to is pretty alluring.", He joked and you laughed, distracted out of your serious thought to indulge in the mans weakness for sweets, "If you were a drug sniffing dog, your nose would only lead you towards sugar."

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