"We should go," Kuvira said and Korra nodded before looking back at the shop. 

"Give me a minute." She told Kuvira, walking past Asami and to the door using her airbending to unlock it, stepping inside, and closing it behind her. 

The woman's eyes widened and she stood on the other side of the room, looking more frightened now that she knew Korra was the avatar. 

"I didn't know you were the avatar, but I meant what I said before-" 

Korra held up a hand, "I understand that. What I don't understand is why you are like this. Why you'd be willing to physically hurt someone over a twisted belief." 

The woman was surprised at the calm tone Korra took, thinking over her words, "I didn't mean for the bell to hit you, so I do apologize for that but what you are. . . it isn't natural." 

Korra thought for a moment, trying to understand, "What isn't natural about two people loving each other?"

The woman's expression was stern, but soon it seemed like understanding took over as she pondered over Korra's words. The woman looked down in shame, shaking her head. 

Korra continued, "You hurt me yesterday, and I was willing to let it go because there are millions of people out there with the same mindset that will never change. I didn't expect my girlfriend to come here and cause a scene today. I know she did it out of her love for me, but she didn't do it the right way. Although, if someone you love was treated the way you treated me yesterday, what would you do?" 

The woman's eyes filled with tears now and she let out a shaky breath, "I'd do the same thing she did." 

"As the avatar, regardless of how people may feel about me, it is my duty to protect everyone, including you. You don't want me here and that's fine but I just wanted to say my piece. You won't see me again." 

Korra turned to leave but tensed when a hand grabbed hers, she turned to face the woman who held her hand with both of hers, "I hope that isn't true, Avatar. I do understand now and it's hard to unlearn what I've been taught, but I will try and I am sorry for what I've done to you. Forgive me." 

Korra gave a small smile, nodding at the woman who bowed her head respectfully at her realizing that this was the approach that was needed all along. Korra left the shop, feeling a bit lighter after the conversation, heading toward Naga once more, Asami trailing behind nervously. 

"Korra I-" 

"Kuvira, can you take Naga back with you?" Kuvira nodded, and Korra commanded Naga to follow her. 


"Guards, give me a moment with Asami," The guards nodded respectfully keeping a rather far distance while Korra turned and headed to the sandy shores which were only a few minutes away. 

Asami watched her walk and took that as a cue to follow, her heart beating fast and her palms becoming sweaty. Asami knew she came here out of anger, she could have just found the place and gone to the police station immediately to file a report, she didn't have to cause a scene or get into an argument with the woman, she just couldn't help it. 

Once at the beach, Korra stopped and Asami stood at her side looking at the avatar expectantly. 

"I told you I didn't want you to come here," Korra said in a low tone. 

"I know, but I was just so angry-" 

"Which is why I didn't want you to come here," Korra told her sternly facing her. "Both you and I have a lot to get done Asami. You know that now more than ever I need to know where you are. You put yourself in danger today, you used Naga for your own selfish needs and you unnecessarily got into an argument with that woman." 

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