"Sukuna," The man grunted and pulled out his card to pay.

"I'll have that right out for you," You rang him up and turned to make his simple order.

Geto and Gojo were watching the encounter, and both seemed to share the same thought as they glanced at each other. Sukuna watched them from the corner of his eye but he said nothing as he waited.

You returned to the counter with coffee in hand, "Here you are sir." You handed over the coffee. Sukuna's fingers brushed over yours as he took it from you. Not a word was said as he turned and walked out of the shop.

You waited at the counter and watched him in a bit of disbelief. Had he done that on purpose? Surely not. He's just a moody customer that happened to be one of the most attractive men you've seen. He had clearly shown no interest in you, so why were you so worked up all of a sudden?

Gojo cleared his throat, "Oh (y/n)! I need a refill!"

"Right, coming," You snapped from your trance and hurried over to them.

Suguru focused on your hands as you reached for Gojo's cup, "You didn't answer my question."

"Hm?" You hummed and paused in your movements.

"Do you need a ride anywhere? Bus fairs can get expensive," Suguru's smile was forced. He didn't like the way you were now distracted from them.

"Oh no, I don't need a ride," You shook your head and moved to get Gojo a new drink. You were quick to return and begin work on the cake once more.

Satoru sipped at his drink, "That customer was rude, huh?"

"I didn't think he was that bad, I've had much meaner people come in," Your lips were pursed as you concentrated.

Satoru furrowed his eyebrows, "His tattoos were ugly."

"Satoru, don't be so rude," You flicked your eyes up to meet his, "I thought he looked... good."

Nanami returned to the front with fresh loaves of bread on a pan, "Satoru stop acting jealous."

Gojo gasped, "Jealous? Of what? The tattoo face guy?"

Geto clicked his tongue, "(y/n) if you consider that to be 'looking good' you ought to raise your standards."

"You two are jerks," You huffed and set down the piping bag again. "If you're going to be so snobby about other customers then you can leave."

Satoru smiled wickedly, "You're really going to kick out your most loyal clients?"

Nanami rolled his eyes, "You're only in here because (y/n) is here."

"I think that's a great reason to be here," Satoru leaned further on the counter to get closer to you.

You couldn't help but smile at him, "Your boyfriend is right next to you Satoru." Geto chuckled.


I swayed my hips to the rhythm of the music that was filling my small apartment. I hummed along to the words as pans occupied my hands. The food sizzled in front of me as I shifted it around.

My apartment is quaint. The front door leads into the open kitchen, and right beside the kitchen was the living room with a single couch and TV. The window cill in the living room was lined with plants, some viney and others colorful. There were two doors on the right wall, one led to the bathroom and one led to the bedroom. That was it, and I'm happy with the small space.

The front door swung open and Gojo sauntered in with a case of beer under his arm. Suguru was right behind him.

"Hey, you guys are early," I smiled over at them and picked up my phone to turn down the music. I had given them a spare key to get in since they're over so often.

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