Spud! and trauma

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Spud watched as the elevator appeared, the doors hissing open with a ding. He was bored, so he thought he'd go for another ride on it. There was only one person in the elevator. Prototype was leaned against the bar, staring idly out the door. She greeted him with a wave. "Heya, Spud! Whatcha doin'?"

He shrugged, entering the elevator and lounging across from her. "Just, spud, taking an elevator ride." 

She nodded with a friendly grin, and the doors squealed shut. 

After a few fun-filled floors that resulted in Spud: drowning in squishy balls; maneuvering through Area 51; fearing for his life being chased by giant gumballs, the elevator screeched to a halt at his home.  Waiting by the doors was none other than Gnarpy, a co-leader in the Gnarpian military.. and the bane of Spud's existence.

Xe strutted into the elevator in a manner that seemed like xe was expecting people to applaud, graced by the presence of this military mastermind. When xe spotted Spud, xe narrowed xyr eyes coldly. Xyr tail flicked with disdainful arrogance. "Zpud? Hm. What a zurprize to zee you again."

Spud just stood completely still. He tried to speak, but no words escaped his suddenly dry mouth. Eventually, he managed to choke out a half-hearted greeting, then sped out the elevator as quickly as he possibly could. 

He immediately wished he hadn't, because seeing where it happened right after seeing the creature that had been behind it brought back memories he wanted. He tried to bite back the sudden flood of memories, but he couldn't. Wracked with emotion, he stared despondently around.


The morning the invasion happened, it was sunny and bright. The type of morning that makes one feel like nothing in the world could ever go wrong, the sun's blissful rays wrapping around the world like a hug; however, this was the day Spud's life... No. This was the day Frank's life changed for good. 

The day started off as any other day at camp. He was watching some campers play an enthusiastic game of volleyball, laughing and hollering praise when anyone got a particularly nice hit. Suddenly he noticed strange shapes on the horizon. They were long and vibrant, almost reminding him of- UFOs? What? Am I going crazy or something? He wondered. 

Thinking he was probably getting heat exhaustion and seeing things, he excused himself to go cool down in the cabin and take a long swig of water. Then he heard the lunch bell ringing out. 

He trudged reluctantly to the dining hall, clinging to his water like a lifeline against the sun's heat. He didn't particularly want to go back outside, plus he didn't have much of an appetite after that odd experience, but he didn't think he should skip lunch. So he took his place with his campers and nibbled at a sandwich.

Suddenly there was an odd noise. Some kind of loud, futuristic whirring resounded above the dining hall. Another joined in. And another. Soon enough it was a cacophany, added to by panicked murmurs and the odd scream or sob contributed by younger campers.

Slowly, everyone trickled outside. He followed. What he saw above him sent a bemused shiver down his spine. A horde of what was unmistakeably UFOs. A voice rang out from the green ship at the center of the mass. "We are taking over thiz camp. Do not rezizt the Gnarpian military." 

Shaken by the realisation that he wasn't imagining them after all, he didn't react at first. Just watched as the UFOs spread out, their beams striking everything that moved. Terrified screams filled the air. Somebody pulled him out of the way of a ship, and he numbly let them. But then something snapped him back into reality.

A child, couldn't be older than 6, was running from an approaching UFO, stumbling in his haste to get away. The ship was upon him faster than you could blink. The kid looked like he'd been struck by lightning.

He ripped his arm from the random person's grip and dashed towards the child. "You okay kid?" he asked urgently. The kid just mumbled "Oww," and fell to the ground in a daze. Frantically, Spud felt for a pulse. He was still alive, thank god. He threw him over his shoulder and ran into a nearby cabin.

Sitting the kid on a bunk, he tapped him on the cheek. "Hey, wake up man,"

After a few more taps, the kid groggily opened his eyes. "Who.. are you? Why do I... feel so.. funny? I don't like this feeling." Then he toppled over again. Spud checked his pulse again. There was nothing.

He froze in disbelief. But this time he didn't really feel numb. He was angry. Angrier than he had ever felt. The large green ship flew by, and he waved it over. It slowed down and an alien cat poked its head out, and he shouted at it. "What's happening? Why are you doing this????"

It just stared at him. "That'z none of your concern, foolizh human."

Then another ship flew past, the beam hitting Spud, and he blacked out.

When he woke up, he didn't feel very good. Spud. There were people around him. They kept calling him Frank. He didn't like that name. He thought spud was a much nicer word.  His head hurt. Why was he wearing a bucket? Spud. He felt like he knew these people. But he didn't have the energy to place them. He just felt sick. Spud.  So sick. 


Spud blinked, finally snapping out of his memories. He wished he had forgotten everything, or even not survived, but no. Everything reminded him of that goddamn day; even his appearance. The bucket that held together his head. He had to get away. 

He stood by the elevator, waiting impatiently for it to come back. After what felt like an eternity, the doors parted. Gnarpy had left. Nearly collapsing with relief, he went inside. Prototype took a long, calculating look at him. "What's wrong? My sensors detect high levels of negative emotion, and you left in such a hurry."

Spud stared blankly at the ground. He wasn't very used to talking about his feelings. "Just.. thinking, spud."

"What about?"


Prototype just stared at him, sympathy in her gaze. "You don't have to talk about it."

He nodded, and they stood in silence. But then the doors opened again. "Bye, Spud." Prototype smiled, stepping out.

And Spud was left alone. Again. He should have told her, maybe she would have cared. But maybe this was who he was meant to be. His feelings hidden deep inside him, never to open up. Maybe this was all his fault, maybe he was the one to blame for the way he was. 

He should have saved that kid.

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