ooooo! a meeting!

Start from the beginning

The spider demon then spoke. "Enchanted as always carmilla." Carmilla then looked at Alas as she had any pointed to Prima. "Alas... Why is there an angel with you? And in this very meeting?" She asked questioningly as Prima then spoke. "Actually I'm not an angel." The Overlords then looked at the deity with confusion, but before he could say anything, a certain demoness appeared in the room.

" The Overlords then looked at the deity with confusion, but before he could say anything, a certain demoness appeared in the room

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"Yes I've got it handled Vox, are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought, yes I know, they're all a joke." She then remembered what Vox had told her yesterday as her eyes fell on Prima...


In a meeting room, Vox was starting to panic and she then voiced her concerns. "Alas is back and she is with Lucifer's daughter and a certain other entity, and as you know, her very presence threatens everything we've worked so hard for... However there is one good thing about this is the fact that the other entity is none other than God and from what I've seen from video cameras and televisions, he is 110% innocent, not to mention very powerful... And I already have someone sneaking on the inside of the hotel Lucifer's daughter runs..." She even took a long breath.

"However, tomorrow is an overlording meeting that Carmilla has called us for, not me and Valentina are going to be busy, but velvette you're going in our sted, it's most likely that the radio demon will bring God with her to kind of flaunt her power over everyone else, however knowing the kind and innocent nature of this deity, if you were able to manipulate him into joining us tomorrow after the meeting or during the meeting, then not only would we be too powerful for even Alas or Lucifer herself to stop, but we could also have claim over the heavens themselves~" she said as she was imagining a scene with a foursome with God. "Anyways, just go to the meeting and work your magic~" Voxanne said as a tiny bit of smoke from the TV overheating started to pour out of her head.

-flashback over-

She then continued to talk with Vox on the phone. "Oh wait I'm wrong you were right, He is here, so I guess they are all a joke except for him then, thank you V, Love you, Kisses darling!" She then hanged up her phone.

Prima started to zone out once more as he heard a voice piercing through his mind. "On the subject of discussion!" Velvette then through a dead Angel head on the table...

It was at that moment, staring at dead angel. That one of the voices from his odd dream reappeared. Purple glowing eyes appeared across the room as a voice echoed in his head. "Dismember her" the voice said as Prima stared at the head and zoned out of everything else.

Demons used a lot of big words that he didn't understand, like extermination, embarrassment, murder, sabbatical, dispose and many others... He didn't understand what was going on, but he felt sad for the first time in his life, he cried as Golden tears fell from his face and hit the floor.

Did he know this angel? No he did not, get the loss of a life in any capacity, in any form, was saddening... It was at this moment when Prima learned a new word, Death...

And whilst he didn't know this angel, with his all seeing eyes, could see the the Angel's soul crumbling away to nothing... A truly sad end...

Noticing that he was crying, Prima made a small portal just below his eyes. His tears then fell through the portal and into another location.

Meanwhile in the greed Ring. Mammon was thinking how much robots or merchandise in the image of God would sell.

When suddenly a massive portal opened as a ginormous droplet of water hit the ground and flooded the ring of greed. "Ah piss" mammon said as she prepared to get during much higher area where she wouldn't be drowned.


Back at the meeting, Prima teleported out as he decided that maybe the emotion he was feeling in that room was just compressed boredom, he then started to play with hell, tossing around buildings like they were pebbles, laughing like a free spirited child as he disintegrated hundreds of demons with powerful beams of light.

He then grew to the size of a entire planet as he then snapped his fingers as the entirety of hell was destroyed and exploded in Golden Light...

Thinking that he had enough fun to stop his boredom, Prima then spun his finger around counterclockwise as Time reversed back to before Prima left the meeting.

He just tuned everything out as he summoned a entire barrel of strawberry milk in his hands.

Once the meeting ended, and Prima had teleported 15 empty barrels, that were filled with strawberry milk, outside of the room, Prima and Alas left the meeting, at least that's what everyone thought...

In truth, Prima, who was still wondering why he felt like he had met Carmilla before, made himself completely invisible and undetectable by shapeshifting into air, he then followed carmilla to her room as he soon found out that Carmilla was the one who killed the angel... Yet, he did not harm her, for he had found her reason for killing the angel to protect those she loved...

Prima then left the building and told Alas the news of carmilla killing the angel, after being sworn to secrecy, Prima then erased the memory of him following Carmilla.

Once they had returned from the meeting, Alas gave the Eggs back as Prima prepared to go to sleep.

And ever still, Prima could feel something bubbling inside of him, something boiling with an unnatural fervor...

Of course he believed that this was just a consequence of drinking 15 barrels of strawberry milk...

End of Chapter...

(If you're wondering how Vox knows Prima is god then remember that Alas and Prima were together at the end of stayed gone, Prima used his Ruler Forme (go back to chapter 2 to see the new image) so obviously, since seeing the form made Alas realize who he was, it would obviously do the same for Voxanne.)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for taking a little longer, they're doing fire alarm tests in my apartment and that wasn't really able to focus that much yesterday, although I am warning you that episode 4 might chapter 5 might take a little longer to get out, seen as an episode 5 revolves around the abusive relationship between Valentino and Angel, fun fact my mother was with a guy who was like Valentino, but worse, so it's going to take me awhile to write the chapter without breaking my phone from anger.

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