Ideas for Stories - 1

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Hello, I hope it's okay if I write here a little bit about new ideas for stories.

I really write just for fun, okay? Nothing professional or anything.

I have lots of new ideas everyday and the major part is always about some hero doing some really bad things and the h being left down, ashamed, broken. And, of course, the H will receive some good retribution for his bad behavior.

I have now this new idea, I don't know exactly if I will be able to make it right now, because writing one chapter is really difficult, it takes time to make it satisfactory enough.

My new idea is:

They are a couple for some time now, years (boyfriend and girlfriend) and it's obvious for everyone that she is the one who likes more in the relationship.

She does everything for him. He is not exactly bad, but he is just not THAT boyfriend we like to read.

He keeps cancelling dates, forgetting important things, etc. But he never cheated or anything.

She loves him and keeps forgiving. One day she goes to his apartment or dorm, I don't really know the setting here. She is carrying a lot of things she cooked for him, them she hears him saying some things to his friends, like making fun of her.

And then she decides it's not worth anymore to be with this person. But he will be very shocked with she breaking up.

They will have a HEA.


Okay, let me know what you think. You can share ideas or maybe stories you think are good also, but just if you want others to read.

Take care.

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