Perfectdolls 1

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Summary: Ocean stressed and overworked herself by studying non-stop before the day of three big tests she has to take, and at the end of the day, with all of her pent up emotions, she isn't sure what to do and becomes overwhelmed when the choir gets into an argument.

Today is just like any other day for Ocean. She has choir for her first period and seventh period. But starting from the moment she wakes up, she feels nervous and anxious. She has three tests today and knows she'll pass, yet she still feels stressed.

Before leaving for school, Ocean makes herself breakfast since her parents aren't awake to make her any. She arrives early to school with Penny and decides to spend time alone in the choir room. Penny sits Ocean onto her lap. "You'll do good, Oce," Penny whispers and kisses the top of Ocean's head. "But what if I don't?" Ocean asks, feeling a bit doubtful. She starts to nuzzle the crook of Penny's neck.

"Really, Ocean? You stayed up almost all night studying. I had to force you to sleep because you refused to do so. I'm pretty sure you'll do good." Penny had called Ocean the night before, knowing that Ocean often stayed up studying a few days before any test she had. She threatened to go over and make Ocean lie down if she didn't do so herself. Ocean reluctantly agreed not only for Penny's sake but also for her own.

Anyway, Penny tried to reassure her, but Ocean was tugging on her sleeves, a sign she had been overthinking and feeling anxious, so Penny took Ocean's hands into hers and did a breathing exercise they had recently been working on to help her calm down.

Then, Penny gives her a tight hug since Ocean finds it calming. "Thanks," Ocean says while smiling.

They spend the rest of their time cuddling and kissing until the bell rings. When it does, they get the room set up. The first person who walks in is Constance and her can-do attitude, with Ricky following shortly after. Then, five minutes later, Mischa walks in, with Noel walking in seven minutes later.

"Father Marcus is sick today, meaning I'm in charge while he's gone," Ocean says promptly. "Seriously? It never goes well when you're in charge," Noel complains. "Maybe if you did things right the first time, it wouldn't be so hard," Ocean argues. "I do things the right way," Noel says defensively. "Then why didn't he choose you?" Ocean asks. "Whatever. You always suck up to the teachers," Noel snarkily replies. "Maybe we should just all calm down," Constance says, trembling slightly.

Noel and Ocean reluctantly agree. With minimal arguments, leading the choir was easy. However, Mischa would occasionally get distracted, and it would take a bit for him to focus back. Other than that, leading the choir went smoothly.

A little after an hour passes, and the bell rings, so they all head to their next class. Ocean was not excited (though who would be?) for her next class. Her next class is when she will take her first out of three tests. She knows she'll pass, yet thinks about what would happen if she accidentally marks the wrong answer or can't remember something. Thankfully, she had a stress ball that she was feverishly squeezing.

She finishes her test rather quickly, but she double and triple-checks before she turns it in. Then, thinking she is doing herself a favor, she studies. Despite what Penny told her yesterday about taking a break, Ocean wants to prepare, but she is slowly and surely overworking herself.

Her third period went smoothly; she had finished all her work for that class so she had free time. Which, she could've used to relax. Instead, she spent her time studying again , not trying to calm down or relax. She wants to remember everything for her next class and is still super stressed, which isn't helping. She wants to pass it.

Then, time for her fourth period. She finishes her test fast again, feeling exhausted from all of her studying and thinking. But, she knows that she can't just rest when she still has one more test. And, things don't always go as planned. The stress ball Ocean had broken and she started biting on her lip, so much so to the point where her lip almost started bleeding.

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