Chapter 1

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"Dipper shut up and let me play this stupid game" I yelled out at my older brother who was rambling about some investigation he had done with my sister Mabel.

"Oh Hope you are literally addicted to your games, come do a investigation with us sometime, it will be fun" Dipper said kicking my leg trying to get me to look up from my phone.

"Kick me one more time and you won't be investigating for sometime" I muttered without looking up from my phone. "Now leave me alone, I'm playing with my friends." As I said, Dipper rolled his eyes and left our room the three of us shared in the attic of the Mystery Shack. 

----------------------------------------------2 Hours Later----------------------------------------------------------------

"Hope, come on we are having dinner!" I heard my sister call out to me, which was weird, we never had dinner as a family when we were with Grunkle Stan.

"Ill be down in a sec Mabel!" I yelled down the stairs and turned off my game to go downstairs. Once I got downstairs I sat down at the table. "What we having?" I inquired. "Smells good" I added on to my question.

"I tried making a new recipe! I used stuff I found in the fridge that I thought would be good together." Mabel said as the excited look on my face faltered a slight bit, I never knew what would come of Mabel's concoctions but this one scared me the most since it was, supposed to be edible, I would not doubt if it wasn't though.

"Sounds great Mabel" My brothers voice cracked as he said that, trying to hide his nervousness along-side me.

"Well here goes nothin" I said laughing at Dipper's voice crack and taking a bite of Mabel's creation that turned out to be surprisingly good. "Well dang Mabel, this is actually really good."

"Thanks Hope! I tried really hard on it" Mabel said while smiling, proud of her creation.

We ate dinner as a family, well as siblings because Grunkle Stan could not be bothered to eat with us because he was to focused on running his scam of a mystery experience. "Well that was a great dinner, thank you sis, I'm gonna go and talk to my friends or take a nap, I'll decide when I get to our room, you two don't get into too much trouble" I said putting my plate in the dish-washer and going upstairs to our room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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