Y/N woke up with a start, gasping for air as they found themselves in a black void. Panic coursed through their veins as they looked around, unable to see anything but darkness surrounding them. They tried to move, only to realize they were restrained in the air by some unknown force, unable to break free.

Their heart raced in their chest as they struggled to make sense of their surroundings, feeling disoriented and scared. The emptiness of the void seemed to swallow them whole, leaving them feeling small and insignificant in the vast expanse of nothingness.

Y/N's breath came in short, panicked gasps as they frantically tried to remember how they ended up in this terrifying place. Questions raced through their mind, but before they could make sense of it all, a feeling of dread washed over them, sending shivers down their spine.


Y/N froze as they heard the voice, a cold and chilling presence that seemed to echo all around them. They couldn't see anyone, but they could feel that someone was there, watching them from the shadows.

Laughter filled the room, a chilling sound that sent a shiver down Y/N's spine. They squeezed their eyes shut, trying to block out the haunting sound that seemed to echo all around them. The laughter seemed to surround them, mocking and taunting, filling them with a sense of dread and fear. Y/N's heart raced in their chest as the laughter continued, growing louder and more menacing with each passing moment. They felt as though they were being consumed by the darkness, trapped in a nightmarish reality with no way out. Then it stopped.

Y/N opened their eyes cautiously, scanning the darkness around them for any sign of the mysterious presence. But all they could see was the empty void, devoid of any light or sound, suddenly they feel someone gripping their shoulder, but they couldn't turn their head.

"Hello Y/N."

Y/N felt a surge of fear as they heard their name whispered into the darkness, the voice sending chills down their spine. They tried to speak, but the words caught in their throat as they struggled to comprehend what was happening.

Sarah floated above Y/N, slowly descending until her face was right in front of Y/N's vision. A seemingly innocent smile played on her lips, but her eyes held a cold and menacing gaze that sent shivers down Y/N's spine. Her presence was overwhelming, her energy dark and foreboding as she gazed down at Y/N with an unsettling intensity.

Y/N's heart pounded in their chest, fear gripping them as they stared up at Sarah's face looming over them. The emptiness of the void seemed to intensify, the darkness closing in around them as Sarah's presence filled the space.

"Welcome to my world, Y/N," Sarah's voice whispered softly, the words echoing ominously in the darkness. "I know that look in your eyes, I know everything your thinking, every little thought in that little head of yours, all your sins, hopes, dreams... regrets."

Y/N tried to speak, but their voice caught in their throat, leaving them feeling helpless and vulnerable in the face of Sarah's overwhelming presence. They struggled to find the words to respond, their mind racing as they tried to make sense of the situation.

Sarah's smile widened, her eyes never leaving Y/N's frightened gaze. "Don't worry, my dear," she cooed, her voice like ice. "You'll get used to it. You'll get used to me."

She aims her hand to the darkness behind her but in front of Y/N revealing a tv screen like view of the outside world.

"There's no use struggling, this is your home now."

Sarah extended her hand toward their face.

Sarah's touch sent shivers down Y/N's spine as she gently traced her gloved finger across their fox face. The sensation was both comforting and unsettling, her touch cold and calculating as she studied them with a strange intensity. Y/N remained frozen in place, unable to move or speak as Sarah's presence loomed over them.

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