Chapter 19

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We caught up to him as he stopped at the open casket. It wasn't the cross, it was Denmarks wife. His real treasure. We all knelt down and Kie rubbed her hand on Pope's arm to comfort him.

"Denmark was hung for burying his wife, and now they defiled her grave. We can't leave her like this" Pope said as he wiped away a tear.

"We won't" John B said before nodding at JJ. They boys stood up and put the lid back on the casket and hammered it closed. JJ grabbed a shovel from the back of the van and threw his jacket at me to hold as he started burying the casket with the dug up dirt. I passed it back to him as he came to put the shovel away while Pope was rambling about none of this making sense.

JJ had his arm on the van next to me as he started looking up, I followed his eyes and saw what he saw. He climbed on top of the Twinkie and pulled me up behind him. We got everyone's attention.

"That looks like" JJ started to speak, looking at me

"The painting in the Island room" I finished his sentence. We looked down at the other 4 who were looking up to us.

"Go for it" JJ said putting his hand on my back and pushing me closer to the hole.

"You do it" Sarah called up

"Sorry, I went in the storm drain so you can handle this one" I stood back, Kie and Pope backing me up.

"He's scared" I said down to my friends

"I'm not scared" JJ looked at me scoffing

"You seem scared" I said as he put his hand in the hole. We were all silent as he dug around further. Suddenly he started screaming, I instantly went straight to him and went to pull his hand out as everyone else was trying to help from the ground.

JJ stopped screaming and started laughing at us, especially me.

"Asshole" I said as I hit his back.

"Oh man, I got all of you with that one. You should've seen your face" JJ couldn't stop laughing.

"Wait, but seriously, there is something in here" JJ says before pulling out a metal canister and handing it to Pope. It was from the Royal Merchant, JJ jumped down from the tree and grabbed it from Pope before opening it up and realising it was a spyglass. John B found an inscription on the outside saying 'You have come this far, don't father. The cross is on the Freedman's alter'

"The cross is at the church" Pope yelled and JJ came over to help me down from the roof of the Twinkie. 

"Sorry I scared you before" He said with his hands still on my waist.

"I'll get you back, just you wait" I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him before John B yelled at us to get in the Twinkie. 

We went to drive back to the church but the tide has risen even more. John B and JJ tried to work out if we could make it through and yet again they decided to give it a go. We were so close to the end when the van slid to the side and we were completely stuck. We got out of the truck and stood knee deep in the muddy water, we were trying to come up with a way to get the Twinkie out of the swamp. Kie offered to go and grab her dads truck and we have a winch at home so Kie, JJ and I started walking to two miles to Kie's house. I jumped on JJ's back halfway after getting tired and he gave me a piggy back the rest of the way. 

I could sense Kie getting more and more anxious the closer we got to her parents house, she hasn't seen them since they kicked her out. 

"You sure you want to do this Kie?" I asked her as we got to her fence, JJ and I hiding behind the fence. 

"No, not at all. But I will" Kie replied before giving me a small smile. JJ opened the lock and ushered Kie inside while we waited out by the truck, we saw Kie come down the stairs holding the keys up and JJ jumped in the drivers seat while I got in the back and Kie in the passenger seat. We then drove to the Chateau to get the winch.

"Sav, do you remember where the winch is?" JJ asked from the drivers seat

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's in the surf shack but I can come help you look" I said as we both got our and Kie waited in the truck. We both went to rush and JJ jumped over a pile of leaves and sticks before tripping over and falling on his face. I had to stop running to laugh then went to help him. 

We were both in the surf shack when JJ was forcefully pulled back making me swing around holding a wrench. It was JJ's dad who had grabbed him and held his hand over JJ's mouth until J calmed down. 

"Get off him" I yelled holding up the wrench

"Good to see you again Savannah" Luke said before letting JJ go. 

"How did you get out?" JJ asked, last we knew he was still in prison. He told us he was out on good behaviour which is unbelievable, he had broken into a pharmacy and robbed them; now that was believable. We heard Kie honking at us to hurry up. Luke was telling JJ that he needed to get off the island, he was taking a friends boat and fleeing the island and of course he had to put blame onto JJ. JJ went to grab the winch and run away, pushing me behind him but Luke grabbed JJ again forcefully pushed him, keeping a tight hold on his shoulders.

"I should have had the Phantom, but I don't because of both of you. JJ, I have your restitution hanging over me. This is all your fault" Luke said holding JJ's shoulders. "You telling me you're not gonna help your own blood?" 

The guilt trip worked and JJ pushed Luke towards me and towards Kie's truck. 

"JJ, no. Immediately no!" I yelled at him as Luke got closer to the truck. Kie was asking what was going on from inside the truck as Luke got in the back. 

"The Twinkie is drowning right now J, what are you doing?" I yelled following him. He grabbed both my arms and made me turn so he could look me in the eyes and that is when I saw how scared he was. 

"Listen to me okay, I need to get to the marina at the Island Club. The boat will take him from there, Kie has the sticker on the truck" He looked in my eyes, pleading "Twenty minutes baby, that's all I need" 

"The Twinkie will be a submarine in 20 minutes J. Leave him, we can come back after" I said to him as he walked over to the drivers door.

"The cops are after him Sav, if I do this now, maybe I will never have to do it again" He hit his hands on the bonnet of the truck. He got in the car and slammed the door. I got in the car and sat next to Luke in the back and he smirked at me. 

"Don't look at me" I said before looking at JJ in the reflection of the mirror and I could see him looking back at me too. 

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