Bonus Story: All-Seeing Eyes

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October 20th, 2023, Long Island. Abby and Owen came to the Playground. Usually, it was open for kids, however, it closes at 7:30 PM for older kids to come to hang out. Recently, they met a boy, a kind boy named Adam. He thought they were his friends but in reality, they planned to eventually eat him, and today, was that day. However, when they got there, Adam wasn't there. "...Where is he?" Abby asked, annoyed. "Maybe he decided not to come today," Owen suggested. "He didn't play along. We should go find him. And show him what happens if you don't play along." Abby said. Abby glanced at Owen and leaped up into the tree, Owen Following. They flew around town and leaped from Building to Building searching, looking for their prey. When they almost gave up, the door to a High School opened and Adam walked out. He was African American, had a Mario hat on due to the weather, a blue sweat jacket, a backpack, black sweatpants, and black and white sneakers. "Alright, guys, I'll see you later," Adam said. "Oh, you better believe it man, we're gonna kick their ass!" Joe said. "YEAAAH!" Adam said. Adam and his friends parted ways as Abby and Owen watched from afar. Adam was about to run but stopped. "What's wrong?" A voice asked. "...I think someone's watching me. I'll walk until I'm sure no one's watching." Adam said. "Alright, We'll keep you safe." The voice added. Adam nodded and began to walk home, paying attention to his surroundings. "...There you are..." Abby said.

Abby and Owen followed Adam from above, their stomachs growling in hunger and slowly turning more and more rabid as the excitement of eating him gnawed at them. Owen was about to jump down to tackle him, but Abby stopped him. "Don't worry, we will soon, just wait..." Abby said.

"THERE'S SOMEONE FOLLOWING YOU, SPEED IT UP!" A voice said. Adam stopped cold in his tracks and began looking around. No one was behind him, no one was in front of him, and no one was above him. He breathed a sigh of relief and kept walking until he stopped. Abby and Owen were standing a few feet away from him, smiling with predatory smiles. Abby waved at him. "THEY ARE GOING TO HURT YOU, TURN AROUND." The voice said. Adam turned around and began to walk away, but he heard Abby and Owen following close behind. "GO LEFT INTO THE ALLEY, I'LL TAKE CARE OF THEM." The voice said.

Adam turned and went to the alleyway, but there wasn't anywhere to go. "Wait..where am I gonna-" Adam said to himself. However, he didn't need to worry as something changed. His eyes turned green. He was...not himself as if he got possessed.

Abby and Owen walked into the alleyway, and noticed Adam was facing away from them. "Oh? I guess he gave up." Abby said. But Owen looked concerned. "Abby, I think there's something wrong," Owen said. "Chill out Owen, he isn't gonna do anything. He's just a scardy cat." Abby said. Adam turned around and stared at them, but his eyes were green, and he looked cross. "Oh hey, Adam! Sorry for scaring you earlier, we were just fooling around." Abby said, giving a false smile. "Yeah, come on and we'll walk home with you," Owen said. "Liar," Adam said. "...What?" Abby asked. "You guys are liars. You are trying to hurt me. So I'll hurt you." Adam said. "We aren't lying, calm down," Owen said. Adam began to whistle a tune, similar to The Death Whistle from Puss in Boots 2 and slowly began walking to them. Abby's eyes began glowing and she grinned as he began walking closer. "Don't Owen. It's fun when they fight back." Abby said. Adam kept walking closer. "Abby, I think something's wrong here," Owen said. "He's just trying to play tough. He's weak. See, let me show you." Abby said. She pulled a dumpster nearby and dragged it in front of them, separating them from Adam. When she did this Adam stopped and stared, the color of his eyes shifting rapidly and his pupils dilating before they settled on the color blue. "See? What's he gonna do? Push it out of the wa-" Abby began to say. That's exactly what happened. With one arm and scary inhuman strength, he pushed the dumpster aside so hard it slammed into the wall, digging into it. "T-Thats not possible.." Owen said. "We're gonna kill him, Owen," Abby said. Owen's eyes glowed and he leaped at Adam, but he grabbed him mid-air and threw him aside, hard, causing him to crack his head open and blood began to flow out. "OWEN!" Abby yelled. She turned towards Adam and was about to leap to attack him but he grabbed her and slammed her into the wall, his hand slowly squeezing tighter on her throat. "L-Let me go...please..." Abby said. Adam's eyes went black as a cracking sound was heard and his mouth slowly began to open. Inside Abby swore she could see another pair of eyes looking back at her with a smile. As Abby was on the brink of Backing out, she said one more thing. "W-We're sorry..." Abby said. Something about that made Adam let her go and he closed his eyes and his mouth snapped shut again. Abby was breathing in and out, trying to catch her breath. He opened his eyes again, which were now brown again, and held his head. " head..what even happened?" Adam asked himself. He looked around and saw Owen on the ground. "Holy- Owen you ok?" Adam asked. He offered his hand as Owen took his hand and got up. "..You don't remember..?" Owen asked. "Remember what? I remember seeing you guys, getting freaked out, and this!" Adam said. Owen held his head before letting go, his head healed. Adam turned towards Abby and was gonna hold his hand out but Abby reacted negatively and backed away. "...What's with you?" Adam asked. "...Nothing," Abby said. She got up and rubbed her hair. Abby and Owen's stomach growled. "Oh? Hungry? Wanna go grab a bite?" Adam said. "Y-Yeah. Sounds good.." Owen said.

At the Burger Shack, Adam was noming on a burger as Abby and Owen stared at him. "...How are you so strong?" Abby asked. Adam stopped eating and tilted his head. "What?" Adam asked. "You were so strong it was scary..." Abby said. "Owen, what is she talking about?" Adam asked. Owen and Abby exchanged a nervous glance before Owen spoke up. "...You blacked out. You got scary.." Owen said. "What do you mean?" Adam asked. "You managed to push a whole dumpster with one arm, you threw me into a wall and you almost choked out Abby until you snapped back to reality," Owen said. Adam's eyes went wide as anxiety filled him. "Oh god not again.." Adam said under his breath. "What?" Abby asked. "Nothing, I'm so sorry I did that," Adam said. " No, it's fine we tried to pull a prank on you but it went too far," Owen said. "I think I know what happened. Sometimes the brain goes into fight or flight mode during stressful situations, so the cause of my autism, I got overwhelmed by the whole thing, and that could have caused the blackout." Adam said. Abby glared at him, she didn't believe any of it. "Hey Adam, we're gonna go now ok?" Owen said. Adam nodded. "Alright, see you guys later," Adam said. Owen and Abby got up and left.

"He's lying," Abby said. "What do you mean?" Owen asked. "That's bullshit what he said. It wasn't some sort of fight or flight response, it was something different...I still don't understand how he was so strong, stronger than me. Stronger than us." Abby said. "Maybe he is lying, I guess that he kinda got mad and acted up, and didn't realize what was happening until the last second," Owen said. Abby shrugged. "Look, we can still-" Owen began to say. "No, not him. I don't wanna try to eat him anymore. Not after what happened. At first, I thought he was like us until he wolfed down a burger. Let's just, go find someone to eat and go home, ok?" Abby asked. "Alright, Abby," Owen said. Owen and Abby kept walking as something watched them from the darkness. "A new foe has joined the game." The entity said.

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