Story Four: Thrill of the Hunt

Start from the beginning

2 weeks later, Abby and Owen were playing Jumanji on the kitchen table in their apartment. It was around 11PM. They were having fun. Until Abby hunched back in pain, her stomach rumbling. "...You're hungry too?" Owen asked. Abby nodded. "Y-Yeah, wanna grab a bite?" Abby asked. Owen nodded, his stomach growling as well. Abby and Owen stopped their game for the time being and left their apartment.

"Nancy, I'm sorry, that's not how it happened!" A man yelled. Nancy stormed off away from him. "Eric, I don't give a flying f**k, it's done. Get out of my sight." Nancy said, still walking off. Unknown to them, Abby and Owen were sitting on the tree right above them. "...Now," Abby said. Owen and Abby leaped off the tree and onto Nancy, biting into her. "Nancy? NANCY!" Eric yelled, running towards her. Noticing what he thought were wolves on her, he grabbed a stick and sprinted for her, beating Abby and Owen with the Stick. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Eric yelled. Abby and Owen sprinted off, hopping over the fence and sprinting off, but not having the time to snap her neck. "SOMEONE CALL 911! HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Eric said.

"Jesus." Chief Edwards said. They were at the hospital, it was now 7:34AM, the next day. Nancy was in a hospital room, with the curtains drawn for now. "Can you tell us what happened?" Detective Jacobs asked. "We argued and she stormed off, next thing I know...Two kids were on her, biting into her. At first, I thought they were wolves, but when I got closer...they were kids." Eric said. Detective Jacobs looked at Chief Edwards. "...Continue sir, what did those kids look like?" Chief Edwards asked. "One was blonde, the other was brunette. The brunette one had a beanie on. Their eyes...Their eyes were glowing and their faces as if they were monsters or demons." Eric said. While Eric was giving his statement, a Nurse walked into Nancy's room. Now, I think we all know where this is going. "Hello Nancy, I hope you're doing ok." The Nurse said. Nancy didn't say anything, just groaned. "Let me open the blinds for you, need some sunshine in here." The Nurse said. But when she opened the blinds, Nancy's skin began to bubble and burst as she f**king COMBUSTED INTO FLAMES. The Nurse screamed and tried to put out the flames. Detective Jacobs, Chief Edwards, and Eric ran to the scene. "NO! NANCY!!" Eric yelled. He tried to run towards her but was held back by the two officers. Soon the fire ended, and there was...nothing left. Well, only for charcoal.

"What the hell happened there?!" Chief Edwards asked. "...I don't know but I think I have a theory." Detective Jacobs. "Oh yeah? What?" Chief Edwards asked. "...Vampires." Detective Jacobs said. "..Vampires? F*CKING VAMPIRES? A WOMAN JUST DIED JACOBS. AND YOU'RE HERE THINKING IT'S ALL VAMPIRES?!" Chief Edwards yelled. "You know what? You're off the case." "...What?" Detective Jacobs asked. "You're off the case, I can't have this right now OK? Brooklyn needs good detectives, and I don't need one with his head in his ass! ...Go home, Jacobs. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Chief Edwards said. He walked away, in a huff.

Later that night, Detective Jacobs was driving home until he stopped at an apartment building. He got out and noticed something odd. One of the windows was bored up, covered by what looked like posters. That was odd, especially at night. Detective Jacobs went into the building and went up to the elevator. He first checked the mail slots. Nothing was odd until he noticed one of them had mail piling up. "RONNIE TENTLEMEN, Floor 3." Detective Jacobs went up to the third floor and looked at the rooms until he found Ronnie's. The door was locked. He looked through the hole and the lights were on, and he saw someone pass. "They could be in here." Detective Jacobs said to himself. He began to pound on the door. "BROOKLYN POLICE, OPEN UP!" He yelled. But no one answered, he kept pounding again. Still, no one answered. He then tried to kick the door down, and after a few kicks, the door came down. When it was open, it was a living room, with a kitchen. "BROOKLYN POLICE, COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" Detective Jacobs said. But no one came out. He walked through the apartment, his gun out, waiting to shoot anything that popped out. Owen was hiding behind a couch, his eyes glowing and his teeth bare. He growled as he leaped at the detective. But the Detective heard him, he turned around and shot Owen in the Stomach. Owen groaned in pain as he fell back. Abby heard the gunshot and peeked from behind the counter, just in time to see the Detective shoot Owen in the thigh and Bash his head. "Time for you to pay for your sins, demon." Detective Jacobs said. But before he can go for a headshot, Abby leaps from behind the counter and tackles the Detective, causing him to drop his gun. But instead of just biting into his neck, she RAVAGED him, tearing him apart limb from limb, and decapitating him. She hasn't been like that since 1983. After she was done she went to Owen. "Owen..? OWEN! SPEAK TO ME!" Abby said. "Ow.." Owen said. Abby quickly kissed Owen. "OH GOD. I'm glad you're alright..." Abby said. "Yeah..for someone who had their head bashed, and shot in the stomach and thigh, but otherwise I'll live," Owen said. Abby hugged Owen, tightly, not planning to let him go. "We need to leave, people probably heard that," Abby said. "Any ideas?" Owen thought about it. "...Yeah, Long Island?" Owen suggested.

October 5th, 2022. Owen and Abby were in Long Island, it didn't take them long to find an apartment building in Patchogue. But now, where to live? "We might need to eat someone," Abby said. "I mean, there is one room that isn't taken," Owen said. Owen pointed to a vacant room. Abby and Owen walked to the room and opened the door. The lights were off and there were little to no windows in there. There were couches in there already, with a TV, and a bedroom. As if this was meant for someone to just come in and take it. Perfect, for two vampires. "...This works," Abby said. Owen smiled. "Come on, let's explore," Owen said.

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