"That is a very catchy song" Floyd said

"I know right " Last time I was here they were singing a sad song but that one was happy." Branch said.😊

Then they started going to the river.


"Face it John, you have no friends" Clay said because they were still arguing that John has no friends

"I do to" John said

Bruce finally got tired of it then he broke them up "Guys, enough you've been at this for (Bruce looked at his wrist) 5 hours!!"

"Fine but I get to drive" John said

"And I get to sit around" Clay said trying to brag to John

"No promises I will draw on your face when you sleep" Clay mumbled

"What did you say?" John asked Clay

"Nothing" Clay said suspiciously "Nothing at all, Nothing at all." Clay said looking at the ceiling.

"OK...." John said 🤔


"Did you tell them?" The collector asked. The critter cam responded "Yes, I did". "Good, and how close are they" The Collector asked. "They are about 20 miles away" the critter responded. Then the Critter cam left to see what the twins were doing.

As soon as the critter left the collector, he started singing:

"You know you've always been my enemy. So let me be the one your fighting, fighting, f-f-fighting."

"I see it's just a matter of fact, Bronch. You can say my name, I'll be coming to, coming to annoy you I'll keep annoying you" He sang

"It's just everything about you, you , you. Everything that you do-do-do." He sang as he pointed to a DUMMY of Branch. 

(Full and original song by One Direction - the song is called Everything About You)

Then he saw that there was a critter listening to him so he then backed away like he wasn't doing anything.


"Ok now we need to build a raft" Marigold said

"If we all cooperate we can probably get it done in 5 minutes" Branch said

They got all the materials they need and then got the raft done and started floating down the river.


 Clay woke up from the nap he took and he then remembered something.


"Look what I found in grandmas closet Branch and Spruce" Clay said

"I don't think you should have that" Spruce said being the dad of Brozone

"What? It's just a tracking device" Clay said ignoring Spruce

"Boys dinner time" Their grandma shouted from the kitchen

The boys ran out of the living room leaving Branch by himself

Branch picked up the device admiring it. Then Clay ran into the room to get Branch

Clay yelled "Branch!" To this Branch got jump scared and the device went down Branch's throat.

"OH NO, grandma is going to KILL me" Clay said worried 

" Just don't tell anyone ok Branch?" Clay said to his brother.

Branch was still a baby so he just said "ooooooo"

"I'll take that as an ok" Clay said

"Clay, grab Branch and come eat" grandma Rosiepuff shouted

"Coming" Clay said

 Branch just said "Coooo"


Clay had kept the remote in is hair since that time

"Guys" Clay said as he was pulling the remote out of his hair

The brothers looked at Clay 

"What is that" the brothers asked

"Ok, so you know that device I found in grandma's closet" Clay said

"Oh, you mean the one you weren't supposed to have" Bruce asked Clay

"YEPP" Clay said proudly

"It's a tracking Device!!" Clay said

"What are we supposed to do with that?" John Dory asked

"Ok, so I scared Branch when we were younger and he swallowed the tracking device" Clay explained

"WHAAT!?" Bruce and John screamed

"It was an accident" said Clay

"Sooo we can use this to see where they are" Clay said slowly

"ohhhhhhhh" The other brothers said

Clay shook his head while he put his hand on it.

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