"fine, but you have to help me do it."

"fine," tyler agrees.

before he can process what's happening, tyler's fingers close around his wrist as he begins dragging him towards the small stage. he wants to protest, but knows his attempts would be futile because tyler would just ignore him. he joins his friend front and center, watching the four guys on stage set up their equipment. tyler makes the point to clear his throat, gaining the attention of who josh recognizes is the lead singer, brendon.

"hi," tyler smiles as the singer comes closer. he lets out an air-headed giggle that makes josh roll his eyes. "we wanted to meet you, i guess. i'm tyler. this is my friend, josh."

josh nods, offering a smile. he hates the way brendon's eyes slowly move up and down to scan tyler's body. his lips curl into a gross smile.

"i'm brendon. this is my band."

"panic at the disco," tyler nods, intensely holding brendon's stare. "we know. i know you guys. your music is great."

"well, thanks," brendon grins, his eyes never leaving tyler's.

josh feels so out of place. he clears his throat awkwardly, gaining tyler's attention for only half a second.

"let me buy you a drink," tyler offers brendon.

"alright. what are we having?"


"sounds great."

they look at each other for a moment longer before tyler finally pulls himself away. josh stops him in his tracks, watching brendon turn towards his bandmates.

"how are you going to get alcohol, dummy? you're underage."

"jenna's behind the bar," he grins, nodding in that direction.

josh turns to spot the blonde head of hair rushing around to serve her customers. he sighs.

"okay, i'll be here."

tyler pecks his cheek before happily making his way to the bar. josh wipes the wet kiss on the back of his hand, huffing in annoyance. feeling anxious now that he's alone, he resorts to checking his phone. he has a few messages from frank and mikey teasing him about how much fun they're having without him.

you guys are terrible liars

he grins at his response before the conversation on stage catches his attention.

"spencer, what about that one?"

josh watches out of the corner of his eye as brendon and the spencer guy look in tyler's direction.

"i don't know. are you sure he's-"

"listen. i know guys like him. they love to act all cocky and shit, but they do not give it up. he is definitely a virgin. i've dated guys like him before. trust me."

josh can't hide the disgusted look that makes its way to his face. these guys are weird.

"i don't know," spencer repeats.

"well we didn't drive out here for nothing, so..."

josh can't stand to listen to them anymore. it's horrible to hear them talk about his best friend this way. and maybe he's a little jealous. he walks up to the stage again, earning their attention with a loud, "excuse me."

they both turn their direction to him, blank stares on their faces.

"yeah?" brendon asks.

"that's my best friend that you're talking about," josh pauses, not even sure where he's going with this, "and you're right. he is a virgin. that beats sleeping with gross guys like you."

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