Chapter 10

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A month passed and it was finally close to school closure. Autumn would be visiting soon. Seithra passed her exams well, it was just the time to wait for the results. Each day would pass and she would still go to the beach everyday, still waiting for Felith.

Her dad noticed her change, where she would likely to be more silent all of the time. He thought it was time for her to start drawing again. He allowed her to get a drawing block, but she refused. The only sketchbook she would spent hours to scribble at was "theirs."

One day, she was drawing near the coast as sun was not seemed to be there, it was raining heavily. But she was still underneath the sheltered roof, drawing a guy sitting on a wheelchair willingly. She hugged the scribbles afterwards.

Then, she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked behind and saw someone eyeing her.

"Huh?" She stood up and eyed a lad standing with his leg support on. Her eyes widened in shock, disbelief, and awe. She was too frozen to let out a word as she had the guy hugging her in his arms.

"I missed you." The guy with his medium length brown hair spoke heartily.

"But, I'm here to tell you that we couldn't be together." He added, his hands grasping onto her long hair.

"Are you really coming to tell me about this?" Seithra jolted. Felith slowly nodded.

"We can!" Seithra insisted. The gray-eyed guy simply sighed. "You must be a queen in our previous life, yet I must be a servant."

Seithra shook her head quickly. "I've learnt about past lives, and for those who were separated during the past times, could be reunited together in the present!"

A laughter escaped Felith's lip. "Hey, did you believe me that much? I was just telling you folktales." He gently caressed her cheeks. Seithra's smiled disappeared. "You liar! I've been believing you the whole time!"

Felith flicked on her forehead. "Give me my sketchbook back."

They hugged again, this time their feelings flickered across the atmosphere. Seithra felt herself alive again.

"I've drew something for you." Felith mouthed. Seithra immediately eyed those white papers he had drawn countless lines and scribbles.

"Your drawings are all perfect, Felith. You should show it to the world." Seithra smiled warmly.

"I did." He replied, eyeing her. 'You're my world.'

"Is that how you say I love you?" She mouthed, laughing.

Delighted with her answer, he softly caressed the edge of her cheeks. "Isn't it?"

(The end)

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