"One day, I was so upset with Su I can't even remember why, but I was mad, hurting and so overwhelmed by what I was starting to feel for Amara, I decided to take control and go for it. When she came to see me at the river, she asked what was wrong but I didn't answer, I simply held her face and kissed her."

Korra's eyes lit up but Kuvira was still so down about what she had said, "Isn't that a good thing?"

"At the time, I thought it was. She kissed me back and then she pulled away as if I'd burned her. Neither one of us said anything and then she simply turned around and left me standing there. For weeks after that, I would go to our spot, but she would never show and then I tried going to the restaurant but she'd hide in the back and I knew that whatever I thought we had was over. I don't know, I just. . . I grew angry with her. I felt like she had abandoned me with no warning and it hurt."

Korra sighed, "That doesn't mean you ruined it, Kuvira. She wasn't ready at the time, that's all. Coming out isn't exactly an easy thing to do."

Kuvira closed her eyes, "That's not how I ruined it."

"Oh. . ."

"One day, I was at the river a few months later having just started my training as a member in the Zaofu Guard, when she had appeared. At that point, I had already hardened my heart, pushed my feelings away, and only focused on my success. She greeted me, but I ignored her, just staring out at the water. She kept trying to talk to me which only upset me more and then I yelled at her. I told her to leave me alone and that I never wanted to see her again. I told her that whatever friendship we had, was over."

"Oh, Kuvira," Korra whispered with a shake of her head.

"I know, I know. . . I was hurting, miserable once again, and embarrassed by what had transpired the last time we were together and instead of hearing her out and communicating I just snapped. I haven't seen her since." Kuvira finished in a dull tone.

"But you would like to?" Korra asked hopefully.

Kuvira turned to look at her, "Of course I would like to. I know who I am now and I'm hoping she does as well. I want the opportunity to at least apologize to her and explain myself. Possibly even. . . start something with her."

"Then why don't you?"

Kuvira scoffed, "Korra, I haven't seen her in years. Not to mention, I'm sure she knows about 'Kuvira the Great Uniter' and all I've done. She probably sees me as a monster now just like everyone else. There's no point. I lost her, I lost Bataar. . . I'm probably just meant to be alone."

Korra frowned, "That's not true and you're not alone. You've redeemed yourself wonderfully and you continue to do so every day. You've made mistakes, but you have also taken accountability and that means more than anything else. I know it may not mean much coming from me, but. . . I'm really proud of you, Kuvira."

Kuvira was so shocked by those words from the avatar, not having heard them in such a long time, it does meant a lot to her. She couldn't help the tear that ran down her cheek and she swiped it away quickly.

"Thank you, Avatar."

Korra stood and made her way to the door, feeling closer to Kuvira, happy to have her as a friend and confidant.

"I think you should talk to Asami about one day wanting a home with her in the future, a home that isn't here," Kuvira said, which stopped Korra in her tracks.

The avatar sighed, "With everything going on, I don't want to upset her."

Kuvira nodded, "Well, with everything going on, spirits forbid, you may not have another chance to speak of these things with her. Take it from someone who has regrets. Let her know you plan to spend the rest of your life with her, Korra."

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