Creasent Moon: Part IV

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Harry Potter, second-floor corridor.

I'm dragging my feet, and I know that.

It's barely past five in the afternoon and dinner doesn't start till six.

The Headmaster's note had said he wanted me to be at his office after classes and before dinner, and classes are let out at four, giving the students time to unwind and relax before dinner.

Unless you're Hermione, who immediately gets started on homework and quizzing me about words in ancient Greek.

After I dropped off my bag in the common room and told Ron and Hermione that I would see them at dinner.

I had left Gryffindor Tower and set off in the most roundabout way to the Headmaster's office, going down all my favorite side corridors, secret passages, and back hallways all to avoid going to a meeting I knew I had no choice but to attend.

Well that, and just avoiding large crowds in general, but now I've run out of odd ways to get to the corridor on the second floor that holds the secret entrance to the Headmaster's office, and as I walk down the windowless hallway, I can't help but wonder, whose brilliant idea was it to make this part of the castle so open to the outside?

Does the snow get in when it's winter?

What about the rain?

Like, why altogether?

Probably should ask Hermione this stuff, she'd know.

I stop right out front of the gargoyle standing guard over the Headmaster's office, and just look up at it, sighing.

I really didn't want to do this.

I jump a bit when the gargoyle speaks up,

"They're waiting for you, Ya' know?"

He speaks in a Gravelly voice, like two rocks getting rubbed together and somehow making sound to form words.

"Yeah, I know. I'm-I'm just not looking forward to it." I tell the gargoyle.

It nods its head before saying right back, "It's not like you're in trouble, kid, it's just a private chat, and if you ask me the Headmaster was in a good mood about it. So go on then, speak up."

Before going still as it waits for the password.

I sigh before saying Skittles, and the statue hops aside for me, as I begin to ascend the stairs to the Headmaster's office.

I get to the small waiting room right outside of the main office, a Crescent shaped room with a couple of comfy-looking chairs with a table, and a chess set in between them, a couch on the other side.

The whole room is decorated in the four house colors, like a crazy clash of colors, and, to be honest, suited the Headmaster perfectly, in my opinion.

As I walk up to the door and raise my hand to knock, I hear Headmaster Dumbledores' voice call out,

"Come in Mister Potter, it is open."

I hesitate for a second before opening the door to his office, which was filled with odd bobbles and knickknacks as always.

"Come, have a seat, Harry."

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