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The utter silence in the house makes him suspicious. A little dog is running towards him, jumping up his bare legs, clearly wanting all of his attention. Travis kneels down for a bit, giving the little pup the attention he craves. He looks around again, struggling to find the woman who so ambitiously declared in bed this morning that she'd meal prep for his upcoming week, ensuring he's got all his favorite meals of hers in his fridge, right before she has to leave KC tomorrow evening. Of course, he'd argued that he can go without her famous zucchini Parmesan chicken meal for a few week, especially whilst having a private chef come in and cook for his lunch and dinners every day. But of course, she insisted. And he is well aware that this is her love language. Cooking for him. Making sure he's got anything he needs available for when she's gone.
The large kitchen, however, is as empty as it can be. A big marble counter that couldn't be cleaner and shinier as it is currently. With the little attention-seeking dog between his legs and barefoot as always when he just got out of the shower, Travis grabs the coffee mug full of his favorite morning beverage and takes a few steps back into the living room. The first sun rays of this year are lighting up the whole space. Today, the temperatures have finally reached the nineties, for the first time this year, and he couldn't be more excited for summer to finally arrive in all its glory.
At the end of the large living room, the answer to his question finally gets answered. He smiles slightly, sipping on his hot coffee once, whilst making his way up to the huge window fronts. He pushes the sliding door once, then smiles at the blonde noticing him, covering her face with her hand from the sun to be able to see him properly.
She just nods, closes her eyes again and faces the sunshine once more. He's noticing her staring onto the big garden of his property, being in her own world, racing her mind as so often. A blue sky, with some puffy clouds and the outdoor swimming pool that's still fully covered for winter in her sight. She's sitting on one of his lounge chairs on the little balcony of the first floor, still in her pajamas, still not even close to getting the day started. Her phone is next to her on the little outdoor table. Rambo right at her feet. The pink fluffy socks he loves to tease her about, warming her feet.
Travis sits down next to her. He takes a deep breath, turns his face to face the sun as well. He gets it now. A sense of peace and warmth overcomes him that he hasn't had for half a year now.
Travis doesn't speak, sips on his coffee again, then moves his head to look at her. She's quiet. More than he knows she can be sometimes. He knows what's up, but he's willing to wait for her to find her own words.
His left arm moves towards her, his fingers gently caressing her upper arm. He moves down with his fingers, making sure to end up right on top of her soft hand, cradling his with hers. She doesn't say anything, her eyes still closed while looking at the sun. His hand securely in hers now.
"I thought you wanted to shower an hour ago or so.."
Taylor looks to face him now, a smirk on her face.
"Are you trying to tell me that I'm stinky?"
He chuckles a little, his smile instantly making her feel warm again.
"Never. But I'm not used to me starting the day before you.."
She knows he knows what's up, and there's no getting around it. Taylor sighs, is suddenly busy again facing the sun. There's two ways to go about this, she knows. There's keeping her walls up, protecting herself and him, avoiding disappointment and making things comfortable and easy for him. The way she knows she can be.
Then there's opening up to him, making herself vulnerable. She knows it's scary, but it's what's right. It's letting her walls down, vocalizing her feelings and letting him take part in these. She knows how good he is at opening up to her. But sometimes, old fears and irrational anxiety comes through and it makes her question herself and the validity of her feelings. She's got everything and more. How could she ever feel this sad?
There's only one way to go about this, she knows. Only one way to go, if this beautiful thing with the stubbly man next to her is supposed to have a future and not end in flames like so many loves have before him.
Taylor slowly gets up, signals Travis that she wants to sit down on his lap. Even through the blinding sun on this balcony of his, she can see his wide smile, immediately opening his arms for her to snuggle into. She gets comfortable on top of him, her face nuzzled into the crook of his arm, his fingers drawing slow circles on her back, his lips pressing a gentle kiss onto her greasy hair. She closes her eyes. This is her safe space.
"I don't know what's wrong with me today. I don't feel like myself, I'm just... so tired, and... just low." she mumbles, not sure if her way of articulating her current feelings makes any sense to him. Still, she's worried he will think she's whiny. She's worried he's not equipped for this side of her. The vulnerable, unmotivated, sad Taylor she won't dare show the world out there ever.
"That's okay, baby." He mumbles into her temple, his right hand now having moved to her legs. She watches him gently caress her over the soft fabric of her pajamas. Absurd how much better she instantly feels, just after hearing him say these three mundane words.
"You need rest. You're always giving five hundred percent. Every day. That's a lot, even for superwoman." he says, quietly, almost a whisper. She closes her eyes again, takes a deep breath and nods. She allows herself to fall deeper into him, her hands next to her head on his chest. She remembers now that this was the right thing to do. She can let go with him. She can be her unapologetic, honest self without fearing any judgment. For a moment, she feels like falling asleep. Feels so safe that losing control is part of what she would allow herself to do in this moment.
"I know." she whispers then, his hands still drawing circles on her body, just the way he knows she loves it. His mouth still fully pressed against her head, breathing her in, then giving her a few gentle butterfly kisses along the way.
"It's just.. I had so much I wanted to get done today before I'm out of the country for tour again tomorrow, but.. it's almost 1pm now and I just... I can't move." she mumbles then, knows she sounds whiny this time and allows herself to be. He doesn't stop holding her, doesn't stop his regular breathing patterns she loves to feel being so close to his chest.
"I know what we'll get done today. The couch. You and me. Some take out. And a few good movies. I have some awesome snacks in the kitchen. And we can get fried chicken tenders and sushi and anything you want, babe."
She sighs.
"But I need to shower."
"You can shower tonight."
She sighs, mumbles something into his chest. She sounds grumpy and it makes him chuckle slightly. He knows she won't admit that his proposal for today is exactly what she's in desperate need of after months of touring, working out, writing music, producing music, going on endless business meetings and traveling from continent to continent with little to no sleep. He's visited her twice now, spent only a few days living the life she lives for a year now, and it exhausted him deeply. He knows she loves touring the world, but there always comes a point when a full stop is required. Being a professional athlete, he knows this full stop hitting you fast and with no mercy. He's been there and he knows. It hit her this morning. He knew the second he saw her exhausted face on his balcony before.
"You need rest." he adds then, his face has left her head now. She slowly looks up at him, and a look into his eyes makes her realize that there's no arguing with him on today's plan.
She nods, slowly, then leans down to press her head against his chest again. She's never felt so vulnerable with him before, yet she's never felt so safe simultaneously.
"Couch or bed, baby? Only choice you have for today."
"Bed it is."

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