Chapter 3- The Institute

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A snore like sound came from her right, causing her head to snap in the direction that the sound came from. In the chair next to her bed was William, fast asleep, his long dark lashes against his cheeks and his messy hair pointing in all directions, he looked peaceful, which was a rearity when he was awake. He was incredibly good looking, though Everlyn had never really considered his looks in detail before. The longer she studied the boy's sleeping frame the faster her heart beat in her chest. She looked away, scolding herself, it was very improper to stare at someone in such a vulnerable state.

She leaned over and shook him awake, his eyes opened slowly, gathering his bearings. He looked over at Everlyn and smiled causing blood to rush to her cheeks. "Ah, you're awake Ev," He said stretching slightly. "How are you feeling? 'Twas quite the blow you took out there"

"I'm fine I think, thank you." Everlyn responded, "Will, I need to talk to you..." She trailed off, Will's face became serious, Evie knew that he suspected what she wanted to say.

"What the Dark Sisters said... no one can know about it-"

"No Ev," Will cut her off, shaking his head. "The Dark Sisters said a lot of things, you need to be more specific." Everlyn knew that Will was pushing her, he wanted her to admit what the Sisters said out loud, so she couldn't avoid it like she tried to with topics she found hard to talk about. She refused to talk about her parents, it was the topic she hated most. Evie took a breath in, sending a slight glare at Will, his face was impassive, but she could see the concern in his eyes.

"My necklace. No one can know about my necklace. Not Jem, not anyone." Evie's voice was strained as she looked at Will, he looked at her but he did not seem to agree with her idea of keeping this secret. He sighed.

"Ev, The Sisters said it has a link to Ya-" He stopped himself at Everlyn's pained sound, grabbing her fisted hand in his. "They said it has a link to It We cannot just let this be. It must be investigated." His voice was soft, as if willing her to understand his logic, but she could not and would not listen to reasons why she should give her most prized possession away. The pressure building in her chest burst and she ripped her hand our of Will's, she let tears fall down her cheeks.

"No! I will not give my necklace to the Clave, they will destory it, and I will never get it back." She sobbed, Will got up from the chair, moving to the bed and smoothing his hand up and down her back. Everlyn never showed her true emotions, not even around Jem. There were times when Evie had been held down by her brother at night when she was plagued with nightmares, thrashing in her bed, but when it came to choice, she would never let her brother see her this vulnerable. It was always Will who she let help her when she was in this state. They helped each other, they understood each other, they understood that there was something in their pasts that was better off not revisited or talked about.

"My necklace is the only thing I have from Mother and Father. I cannot loose it Will. I can't. Please." Another Sob wracked her body, Everlyn let herself slump into Will as he held her close, as he had so many times in the past.

"Okay, okay it's alright." He said, and sighed. "It's your necklace, so it is your decision. I will not tell anyone of what they said. But I do not think the sisters would have tried so hard to get to you if what they said meant nothing."

Everlyn signed in relief. "I will look into it myself, I will contact a Warlock I know, and see if he can examine it, under my terms." She looked up at Will, they were so close she could feel his breath fan over her face. "If, and only If, something comes of this, then I will do something about it."

Will nodded his head in understanding and opened his mouth to say something but Evie beat him to it. "Promise me, Will, Promise me you won't tell James. He does not need to know with everything else he has going on. He does not need to worry about me too."

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