Chapter 2- Hell is cold

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Hey Everyone!

Parts of this chapter have stayed the same, however the majority has been edited. The only character that belongs to me is Evie, and the plot i have made for her. Everything else belongs to Cassie Clare. 

I hope you enjoy!!

-Ellie <3

Hell Is Cold

"You stupid little girl," Mrs. Black spat as she jerked tight the knots holding Tessa's wrists to the bed frame. "What did you think you were going to accomplish, running away like that? Where did you think you could possibly go?"

Tessa said nothing, simply set her chin and looked toward the wall. She refused to let Mrs. Black, or her horrible sister, see how close she was to tears, or how much the ropes binding her ankles and wrists to the bed hurt.

"She is entirely insensible of the honour being done to her," said Mrs. Dark, who was standing by the door as if to make sure Tessa didn't rip free of her bonds and rush through it. "It is disgusting to behold."

"We have done what we can for her to make her ready for the magister, " Mrs.Black said, and sighed. "A pity we had such dull clay to work with, despite her talent. She is a deceitful little fool."

"Indeed," agreed her sister. "She does realise, doesn't she, what will happen to her brother if she tries to disobey us again? We might be willing to be lenient this time, but the next..." She hissed through her teeth, a sound that made the hairs rise up on the back of Tessa's neck. "Nathaniel will not be so fortunate."

Tessa couldn't stand it anymore; even knowing she couldn't speak, shouldn't give them the satisfaction, she couldn't hold the words back. "If you told me who the Magister was, or what he wants with me-"

"He wants to marry you, you little fool." Mrs. Black finished with the knots, stepped back to admire her handiwork. "He wants to give you Everything."

"But why?" Tessa whispered. "Why me?

"Because of your talent," Mrs. Dark said. "Because of what you are and what you can do. What we trained you to do. You should be grateful to us."

"But my brother." Tears burned behind Tessa's eyes. I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry, she told herself. "You told me that if i did everything you said, you'd let him go-"

"Once you marry the Magister, he'll give you whatever you want. If that's your brother. He'll give it to you." There was no remorse or emotion in Mrs. Black's voice.

Mrs. Dark chuckled. "I know what she's thinking. She's thinking that if she could have whatever she wanted, she'd have us killed."

"Don't waste your energy even imagining the possibility." Mrs. Black chucked Tessa under the chin. "We have an ironclad contract with the Magister. He can never harm us, nor would he want to. He owes us everything for giving him you." She leaned in closer, dropping her voice to a whisper. "He wants you healthy and intact. If he didn't, I'd have you beaten and bloody, if you dare disobey us again, I'll defy his wishes and have you whipped until your skin peels off. Do you understand?"

Tessa turned her face to the wall.


William Herondale and Everlyn Carstairs stood outside of a large house, located just off Whitechapel. Evie had never planned to go on a mission today, Jem had fallen ill, and she had planned to sit next to him while he slept. However, when Will burst into the room claiming that he had a piece of information that absolutely had to be looked into, Charlotte had agreed that it would be a good distraction and sent them off to investigate the property that Downworlders called "The Dark House." While Everlyn had to agree that she needed a distraction, she couldn't help but feel guilty, Jem had wanted to join in on the investigation.

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