Books & Disappointment

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Avian Trevelyan has been attracted to Dorian since he joined the inquisition. She likes the way he's confident about himself , the way he speaks and the way he dresses up. She likes his fit body, his muscles, his haircut. Avian wanted to confess her feelings for Dorian way back in Haven but she delayed it because of Haven events and the funeral.

Both Avian and Dorian share the love for reading books. They spend time together reading various books in Skyhold library. They started getting along when Avian came to the library for the first time. She was happy to have a lot books in there, then she saw Droian sitting on a chair reading. He glimsed her shadow on the floor and looked up:" Inquisitor, what a surprise! You came here to read or do you want me acompany you to an exciting adventure". Avian smiles and laugh:" No I came here to check the library there's not much work for the day" Dorian rises his eyebrows happily surprised:" you love reading books, that's great! We could be good friends!". Avian:" I guess we can, I didn't know you love reading". Dorian:" of course I do. Now you should pick a book you like and let's read together. Oh there's only one chair here, I think I'll have to order another chair but I will sit on the table for the time being and you my lady sit on the chair". Avian is happy that he invited her for reading:" thank you Dorian You're so kind. I love this Idea reading together" she is about to ask him if they could read daily together as she grows fond of him but she's shy to ask. Until Dorian asks:" why don't we read daily together for an hour or so?". Avian is relieved he asks her this first, she answers:" oh yes yes for sure. I'd love that". Their relationship grows but she has different feeling for him.

One time Dorian falls asleep while reading a book, Avian feels that Dorian isn't moving, she rises her head and finds him asleep. She likes how cute he is while sleeping and takes advantage for looking closely at him. Admiring his face features. She's been looking at him for a while, until an officer approaches the library and says:" Lady inqui...". Avian answers:" shhhh he's asleep". Officer:"oh I'm sorry your worship". He walks closely to Avian and speaks with lowered voice:" my lady inquisitor, commander Cullen and the advisors need your presence in the War Council". Avian:" ah alright, thank you officer". The officer walks away and Avian wants to stare at Dorian little longer but she has to go. Before she leaves, she thinks Dorian may feel cold sleeping without a blanket. Fortunately, Avian is wearing a warm cape because the weather is colder today. She puts his book on the small table and takes the cape off and puts it on Dorian. She smiles and leaves for the meeting in the war council. An hour later, Dorian wakes up, his eyes blinking, yawns and says:" uh how long did I sleep?" He looks down and find a red cape around him and looks at the right and find his book on the table. Dorian:" oh Avian why didn't she wake me up? How can I sleep later at night now?! Hmm This red cape is really warm, she's so nice i guess I'll give it back to her at our reading time for tomorrow. She must be busy now".

On the next day, Avian wakes up in her chambers, the first thought she gets is Dorian sleepy face and She smiles. She looks at the window and says:" it's still morning, I've got an hour and a half before going to meet Dorian for our reading". She rises from bed and takes a bath then eats her breakfast. Putting on her clothes and brushes her hair. Suddenly, She remembers that she missed her training with the Templar trainer. Avian says in upset tone:" hmm how did I forget such thing?! I guess he'll be angry. I'll meet him after I see Dorian, I think we won't have our reading time today". Avian leaves her chambers towards the main hall and then to the tower where the library is. Avian reaches the main hall and before stepping in the tower, Mother Giselle calls her:" Lady Herald, may I have a word with you?". Avian stops walking and turns around saying:" Good morning Mother Giselle, how may I assist you?". Mother Giselle:" i received a letter from Magister Halward Pavus this morning". Avian: "Halward Pavus ...Dorian's father, right? But why would he send a letter to you and not Dorian?." Mother Giselle:" his father wants him to go for a secret meeting at Redcliffe and a retainer will be watching for them.". Avian:" show me the letter, please". Mother Giselle says:" please Inquisitor he shouldn't know about it. Just take him there". Avian:" I can't deceive Dorian but I'll think about it, thank you revered mother. I'll see you later"

Avian walks into the tower and stops for a while thinking weather she tells Dorian about it or just takes him there. Solas notices her standing in his office for minutes and asks:" Inquisitor, Are you alright?". Avian:" huh uh yes yes I'm alright, thanks". She then walks towards the stairs leading to the library. She sees Dorian picking books for reading, he notices her and says in happy voice:" oh hello Avy, I was just choosing books for us to read. I also ordered the servant to bring us tea, I don't want to fall asleep agian. Oh by the way thank you for the cape it was nice of you". Avian is a bit confused and thinking, she is deciding to tell Dorian about the letter as she doesn't want to lose him or decisive him. Dorian notices there's something weird with the inquisitor today and asks:" what's wrong Avian? Are you Alright?". Avian answers in worried tone:" Dorian I must tell you something, there's a letter from your father, you should read it." Dorian:" My father?! What does he want? Let me see. Huh what is this? And what is this retainer and why would he be in the tavern?". Avian says:" you think it's a trap?" Dorian:" it could be. Or it could be my father wants me back in Tevinter. Hmmm however, the only way to find out is to go there and see. Shall we go now?". Avian:" yes, let me talk to my templar trainer first then pack our things then leave to Redcliffe". Dorian:"i will do the same and wait for you."

Dorian & inquisitor leave Skyhold for a while. Arriving in the morning at Redcliff village. They reach the tavern mentioned on the letter. Both go inside and look around, there's no one. A voice comes from the left side saying: "Dorian!". Dorian looks towards the voice source and sees a man:" Father!". They both talk and then argue about why his father was secretive with this meeting and why Dorian left his home country and what his father tried to do with him. Avian thinks she should leave them talk saying:" i should leave you both alone." Dorian says in angry voice:" no, you must stay here and listen". Avian asks:" what happened Dorian, why would you leave your home country?" Dorian:" because my father doesn't care about my choices. Because I prefer the company of men." Avian is surprised of what Dorian says and asks:"the company of men? What do you mean Dorian?". Dorian in angry tone:" i mean i prefer to be with men as in love making". Avian becomes so shocked and disappointed and says:" I didn't know that." Dorian: "now you know." Avian has no choice but to hide her disappointment. She goes to the door and leaves the Tavern. Dorian still argues with his father and sees Avian leaving and calls her: "where are you going? I'm going back with you". Avian responds:" no, I'll wait outside. Don't leave it like that with your father". Eventually and surprisingly, Dorian and his father has reconciled. His father apologized and accepted him for what he is. His father hugs Dorian and tell him to take care of himself and to visit him when he can. Dorian leaves the tavern and see Avian waiting for him next to a tree. He approaches Avian and says:" what are you doing?" Avian responds in cold tone:" nothing. just waiting for you." Dorian:"well i am talked my father" Avian:" ok let's go back to Skyhold then" and walks quickly to ride her horse. Dorian:" but Avian ... why are you in a hurry?! Hmm why is she acting this way"
Both Dorian and inquisitor returns to Skyhold.
Dorian wonders why Avian was quiet during their return to Skyhold which it wasn't like her. He tried to talk but she responded with short answers.
When Dorian and Avian enters Skyhold gates. She dismounts her horse and goes straight to her chambers. Dorian looking at her and calls to her:" Avian what's wrong?!" she doesn't turn around. As she goes inside her chambers she asks the guard outside her room not to let anyone in.
Dorian follows her and reaches her chambers door but the guard stops him:" I'm sorry sir but you can't go inside". Dorian gets frustrated:" what do you mean I can't, I have to see her!". The guard frowns:" the Inquisitor gave me orders". Dorian is now concerned about Avian, in his thoughts he is thinking what if he said something wrong to her:" what did I say to upset her? It is really weird she wasn't talking very much. Hmm I think I can't do anything now, will find out tomorrow. Maybe in our reading time. I'll go to the tavern and talk with Iron Bull then to go to sleep".

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