Start from the beginning

I don't know what is happening with me these days, I don't seem to have control of my attitude anymore, I used to avoid anything that'll put me in problems but now it seems like I always look for it instead. Most of those high maids sleep around with the guards to earn favors and if those three are part then I might be in big trouble for speaking back to them.

I wouldn't let anyone walk all over me though, especially not a human like me, we are meant to be one and working together but some of them are just so stupid and ignorant, all they want is validation from the supernaturals, so if the high maids think they are better than me, I'll show them that we are all slaves in they eyes of the supernaturals.

It didn't take me up to seven minutes before I got to the front of the royal hall, I hope I'm not too late, maids are meant to be in the hall and in position before the royals and I really hope they are not in there yet.

The guards opened the door and I walked in quickly, to my unexisting luck, some royals are there already and the King's eyes were on me immediately I walked in.

I stuck to the shadows by the wall as I walked quickly to the back of the throne, thankfully only the King saw me I think, well and his dragon who is curled round the throne with his red eyes on me.

Only Orion is here which I'm thankful for, I might not be scared of Orion but the other dragons scare me.

"Brother it's been a while we had the dragon ritual, what do you think we add it to things we have to do" said one of the princes.

"That festival is too babaric" said Octavius as he came into the hall, I raised my head a little and my eyes met his causing him to wink at me and I stared at him in horror, what if someone caught that.

The deep vibration of a dragon's growl brought my attention to Orion who was staring Octavius down.

"What's wrong brother?" Asked a prince, as we all know dragons reflect their owners emotions, so the King must be pissed for his dragon to let out that growl.
Did he notice Octavius action, if he did why would that affect him, I try not to think of what Mary said as that is extremely absurd.

"My drink" the King growled in annoyance and I quickly walked forward to fill his goblet, making sure to bow my head, this is not the time to piss him off.

I can feel his eyes on me but I filled his goblet quickly and moved back to the shadows of the throne.

"You all seem to be extra free these days" said the King to his brothers.

There is a total of five princes and two princesses, first prince Thomas, second prince Octavius, third prince Riot, fourth prince Lorenzo and fifth prince Nico. For the princesses we have first princess Nolani and second princess Sarah.
There used to be six princes but since King Luca is now a King, there are just five.

I had to sneak into the library with Mary to get all these informations.

"Are you bothered by the fact that we keep your company everyday" Octavius said.

"You hated this tea period, mind telling me why you suddenly come here everyday?" The King asked

"Do I have to have a reason?" I heard Octavius say and everywhere went quiet. I so much wish I can raise my head and take a peek but I promised myself to avoid trouble.

The King chuckled darkly before rising from his throne and leaving the royal hall, Orion's face suddenly came into my view making me gasp, thankfully it was silent but I knew some of the royals were watching. He stared at me for a bit while I stood frozen in spot before he circled round me and flew out through the opened part of the ceiling, reserved for the dragons.

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