"The dreto's wing?" Izuku asked.

Shigaraki sat up bolt straight. "I never showed you the wing!" He reached up above him, in between the back of the cell and the edge of the bed-grass box and pulled up a huge, glittering wing that Izuku immediately recognized as belonging to the dreto alien species.

"I know!" Shigaraki said when he noticed that Izuku's jaw had dropped. "Pretty neat, isn't it. If Cat-Face hadn't warned me about the bed-grass being like me and decaying shit, I would have lost it! A sacrifice to the grass! Can you imagine that?"

"Amazing," Izuku squeaked out. "I'm going to ask them about it now and see if I can find out more. Is there anything specific you want to know?"

"Nah," Shigaraki said, putting the wing back down and lying back down in the grass, dismissing Izuku with a wave of his hand. "Just fill me in on the basics tomorrow."

Turning to H'zashi, Izuku whispered frantically, "how the hell did Shigaraki get a dreto's wing?!"

"Oh, well, he just kind of twisted, and then pulled, but kind of using both motions together," H'zashi explained, trying to show with his hands how Shigaraki did it. H'zashi's eyes wandered up and down Izuku's body. "I don't imagine it would be very difficult for you to do, either, Midoriya. Their wings are quite delicate."

Izuku rubbed at his eyes, and H'zashi flapped his wings in agitation, making Izuku sigh and put his hands down, away from his face. "Sorry. I know that bothers you."

"And I know now that it doesn't really injure you. It just really looks like it does from here."

"I just didn't realize that he maimed someone while I was away," Izuku explained.

"Oh, yes," H'zashi answered. "I was concerned at first, but A'zawa reassured me and calmed me down by reminding me that even he might respond so violently if he was in that position and I was taken away from him. It would be hard to be in Shigaraki's place with not knowing the language, not being able to have anything explained, having his lover taken away and not knowing if he'd ever see him again."

"I'm sorry," deadpanned Izuku. "What? You think we're lovers? Me and Shigaraki? Shigaraki and me? Me? As in Midoriya? Me? Is my Universal Translation device working correctly?"

"Are you not lovers?" A'zawa had the audacity to ask.

"We're not even friends!" Izuku revealed. "Sure, we knew each other back on Terra, but we didn't get along. We just put aside our differences temporarily while we're here because of the situation we've found ourselves in."

"Well, that's very mature and forward-thinking of both of you," H'zashi complimented.

"I don't know if I'd be able to do that with some people from my past that I don't get along with," A'zawa pondered aloud.

"I think you'd be able to," H'zashi objected, "with the right motivation."

"Overhaul?" A'zawa threw out.

H'zashi squawked. "It's not like they are enemies, though! It's not like Midoriya is very clearly on the good side and Shigaraki is a villain or something. Midoriya just said that they aren't friends and didn't get along on Terra. It's a completely different situation than if you were to be stuck somewhere and had to try to work together with Overhaul!"

Midoriya congratulated himself for keeping a straight face and wondered if there was an off-switch for his implant so that he could go back to blissful unawareness whenever he wanted.

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