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🧡hope y'all enjoy. I will try to get better at posting 😭💚 

The sun had barely risen, casting a soft golden glow through the curtains of Travis and Taylor's cozy bedroom. Taylor lay nestled in their bed, her hands clutching the sheets tightly as waves of pain washed over her. Her breaths came in short, ragged gasps, each one accompanied by a low moan that echoed through the room.

Travis hovered anxiously by her side, his eyes filled with concern and love. "You're doing great, Taylor," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to her frazzled nerves.

But in the midst of her agony, Taylor could barely register his words. All she could focus on was the relentless ache in her body, each contraction tearing through her like a fierce storm.

She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push through the pain, but it felt like an eternity before the next wave hit. This time, it was stronger, more intense than before, and Taylor couldn't help but cry out, a primal sound of anguish escaping her lips.

Travis's hand found hers, his grip firm and reassuring. "I'm here, Taylor," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering support. "Just breathe. You're stronger than you think."

But Taylor felt anything but strong. She felt raw, exposed, as if every fiber of her being was being stretched to its limit. She gritted her teeth against the pain, her body trembling with the effort of holding it all in.

Minutes stretched into hours, each one feeling like an eternity as Taylor battled through the agonizing waves of labor. She lost all track of time, lost in a haze of sweat and tears and the relentless throb of pain.

With each contraction, Taylor's body seemed to rebel against her, pushing her to the brink of exhaustion. But deep within her, a fierce determination burned bright, fueled by the knowledge that she was bringing new life into the world.

Through the haze of pain, Taylor clung to Travis's steady presence, his touch a lifeline in the storm. He wiped the sweat from her brow, murmuring words of encouragement in her ear as she fought through each contraction with all the strength she could muster.

And then, just when Taylor felt like she couldn't go on any longer, something shifted. The pain seemed to lessen, if only for a moment, and she felt a surge of hope flood through her exhausted body.

"It's time, Taylor," Travis said, his voice tinged with excitement. "Our baby is coming."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Taylor summoned every last ounce of strength within her as she pushed with all her might. The room filled with the sounds of her grunts and moans, each one a testament to her unwavering determination.

And then, in a rush of sheer relief and euphoria, it was over. Taylor collapsed back against the pillows, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. But this time, her tears were tears of joy, tears of pure, unadulterated happiness.

Travis's arms enveloped her in a warm embrace, his own eyes shining with tears of pride and awe. "You did it, Taylor," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You're amazing."

And as they lay together, their hearts overflowing with love for each other and the tiny miracle they had created, Taylor knew that every moment of pain had been worth it. For in that moment, as she held her newborn baby in her arms, she knew that she was the strongest she had ever been.

PART 2: August (their daughter) is 16 

The sun had set, casting shadows across the quiet neighborhood as Taylor and Travis made their way home, their hearts heavy with worry. August, their beloved daughter, had retreated to her room earlier, her tear-streaked face haunting their thoughts.

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