The Heart Cries 💔

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Surasa Devi couldn't tke it anymore. She finally said in a stern voice, "Very well, Devendra! If you insist on keeping Abeera by your side, then she shall remain in this palace under one condition...."

Both of them looked at her in surprise.
She continued to say, " She may only stay as your concubine, but she will never hold the title of your wife.... NEVER! and I will make sure of it, even after death!"

Abeera's initial enthusiasm fizzled out as soon as she heard what Surasa Devi said

Abeera forced a smile, her voice dripping with false sweetness, " Mahamahim, I am truly grateful for your generosity in allowing me to remain in the palace. .... However, I must humbly decline your offer to be Devendra's concubine."

Surasa Devi raised an eyebrow, her expression taunting as she said, " And why is that, Abeera? Are you not willing to accept a compromise for the sake of our family's honor? For staying with the love of your life?"

Abeera lowered her gaze, feigning humility. " Oh, Mahamahim, it's not that I'm unwilling..... It's just that... well, I fear ...."

"What do you fear Abeera!" Surasa Devi pressed on.

Abeera's eyes flickered, her facade almost cracking, panic flashed in her eyes... when Devendra stepped forward, his voice firm, "Mother, please, listen to me..... Abeera's love for me is genuine, title or no title. If she is willing to stay by my side, then I am willing to accept her as she is, without any formal recognition...."

He took Abeera's hand, and continued to say, " Mother, I understand your concerns, but I must follow my heart..... Abeera has stood by me through thick and thin, and I cannot bear to see her cast aside...."

Abeera had been stunned silly, by Devendra's interjection. She never wanted to be a no title concubine! She wanted the power! The riches! And the position of a noble! No! She had to do something!

Attempting to interject, she said with a trembling voice " Devendra.... please, we cannot..."
Devendra cut her off gently, and led her away from this place, saying, "Abeera, come! Let us leave this place behind..... We have each other, and that is all that matters....."

Abeera's face paled, when she realised, that her plans may not come to fruition.... She looked at Devendra's back, as her eyes overflowed with unwillingness.....

When they disappeared into the palace,
Surasa Devi finally broke down. Her voice quivered with emotion as tears streamed down her cheeks....

She sat alone, in front of the pyre " Oh, Padmini, my dear daughter-in-law... How did it come to this? I remember the day you entered our family, a radiant bride full of hope and promise. I welcomed you with open arms, embraced you as my own daughter. And now... now I have failed you in ways I cannot even begin to comprehend....."
She bawled, " I supported Devendra's decisions, even when they led him astray. I watched as our family crumbled under the weight of his betrayals, as your love and trust were shattered into a million pieces. And now, as I stand here amidst the ruins of our once happy home, I can only beg for your forgiveness, Padmini.....
PLEASE FORGIVE ME! AHAHA!" She screamed out.

She clutched her chest as her sobs echoed through the empty halls. " Forgive me, Padmini.... for failing to protect you, for failing to see the pain you endured. ....
Forgive me for allowing my son to break your spirit, for allowing our family to fall apart before my very eyes.....
Oh, Padmini! if only I could turn back time and undo the damage that has been done....."

Her daughter, who saw witnessed all that conspired here, moments ago, slowly came forward.
She bent down, and held her mother, without uttering a word.

How could she? All her words ended with Padmini going ayaw. She was only here to fulfil her last duties as a daughter.

She was ashamed of her brother....
Ashamed that they shared blood....

She just held her mother tight.

As Sarala Devi's cries filled the air, the weight of her remorse hung heavily upon her soul.
As she wept for the loss of what could have been, she prayed for Padmini's forgiveness, knowing deep down that some wounds can never truly heal....

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Chambers of another opulent palace, a girl, woke up from her nightmare, her chest rising and falling in the rhythm of her unsettled breath.....

The soft moonlight filtering through her window cast a gentle glow upon her features, illuminating the delicate contours of her face.

She was adorned with long, flowing locks of ebony hair, cascading in gentle waves around her shoulders like a midnight veil. Her skin, smooth and porcelain-like, carried a faint rosy hue, accentuating the delicate curve of her cheeks....

Her eyes, pools of dark mystery, flickered with remnants of her dreams, holding a depth that seems to draw one in, revealing tales untold. They were framed by long lashes that flutter gently against her skin, adding to the allure of her gaze. A slender nose lead to full, bow-shaped lips, slightly parted in the aftermath of her disturbed sleep.....

As she sat up, the moonlight danced upon the curves of her form, tracing the lines of her slender figure with an ethereal glow.

Her presence exuded an air of quiet elegance and inner strength, captivating all who behold her with her beauty, yet hinting at a depth of character that goes beyond mere appearance.....

She stood by the window, where the cold wind brought her back to her senses.

Suddenly she looked up and touched her cheeks, while whispering, " Why am I alive?"

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