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(Polly's pov) (Tw: None, well possible smut, Mommy kink, biting kink.)

I woke up beside avyanna, her cuddled into my side like a little koala bear, her hair a mess, her lips slightly parted as she let out soft occasionally breaths.

She was beautiful, inside and out, she was fiery and tempered but sweet as honey when she wanted to be.

"I can feel you staring, Pollyanna." She spoke in a calm tone but smiled.

"Well good morning to you too." I chuckled softly, as I caressed her cheek, brushing her hair out of her face, then she finally opened the eyes I loved.

"Morning." She smiled.

"Did you have sweet dreams?" I asked curiously.

"I had one yeah..." She nodded.

"About what?"

"Nothing really just, something random." She said calmly.

"Oh come onnnnn tell me please, baby girl?" I faked a pout.

"Mmm no..."

"Rude.." I huffed.

Time skip, later at the betting shop.

(Avyanna's pov)

I sat at my desk, daydreaming.

"What 're you thinkin' about?" A familiar male voice asked Curiously making me snap out of my daze.

"Nothing Arth."

"Don't lie, who were you daydreaming about, no lying."

"Polly." I huffed.


"Am I crazy to think we could happen?"

"No." Arthur chuckled.

"If only I knew what my heart was telling me..." I sighed rubbing my temple.

"Maybe you should read the signs Infront of you dumbass, and you'd find you're way to who you're met to be with." He rolled his eyes.

"What if she doesn't li-"

"Let me stop you right there, avyanna. Pol, Doesn't like you." Arthur said sternly, making me look down.

"She loves you, and if you can't see that you're blinder then a drunk man." He added, making me look up.

"She what?"

"Loves your blind ass"

"Now get off your ass and go tell her you love her too." He said walking around my desk literally dumping me out of my chair.


"Oh shut up and go." He Rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay Polly Jr." I scoffed and stood up walking out of my office to Pollys knocking twice before walking in, finding her smoking a cigarette and writing papers.

"I didn't say you could come i-" she started as she looked up before cutting herself off.
"Oh hey, darling." She smiled

"We need to talk." I said closing the door walking over to her desk, her smile faded into a slightly worried look.

"About what darling?" She asked standing up, walking over to where I was standing

"Listen, You have such a beautiful heart and soul, You're beautiful inside and out, and I find my mind constantly wondering to you, it's killing me because, I can't get anything done when your around because my eyes always find you, in a crowded room the only person I want to see is you, I want you as mine, I want to call you mine, because... because I love you, Elisabeth Pollyanna Gray." I said in one breath, watching as her eyes widened, and a look of Surprise formed on her features.

Darling your different (Polly Gray/Shelby x fem! Oc)Where stories live. Discover now