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Princess Visella Targaryen

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Princess Visella Targaryen

Love Interest of Aegon II Targaryen

"Brother listen to me. They are scared of you. They know that you are better than them. You are my blood. We share blood. If I am the person I am then that means you have same potential. You can be greater then me for all we know. You will have a dragon. It takes time because you what happens? Everything has a reason whenever it hurts us or pleases us. Maybe those dragons weren't worth your potential and time. Who knows, maybe you claim Vhagar in the near future."


"I'm sorry, mother. I shouldn't have raised my voice. It's's just my brother is being bullied and taunted and I can't do anything bout' it. Aegon is a fool, Aemond knows that which is why he doesn't take it to heart as much but those BASTARDS,..those bastards have dragons and my brother doesn't?!"

"He's not lucky like we are. You know that."

" Not today, not tomorrow but I will make your family pay for what you did to my brother. For what you did to my sister. For what you took from my family."

"That day in the trial of the questioning succession of Driftmark, when fahter entered the room and took my grandsire's place, he proclaimed me as heir. So, when he passed, I would be Queen, yet you continued to ignore. I am no upsurper neither is my brother. You are. You are creating a war that does not need to exist. Everything that happens to your family and side, will be your fault.

Remeber this, sister, I always win."

"I am Queen Visella of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm and I WANT HER CHILDREN DEAD! Yet, my mind won't let me...the mother in me won't let me...but the mother in me wants revenge. So, kill the two elders...take the youngers and bring them here. I'll deal with them."

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