Cal state women's penitentiary

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Judge: Hailey Donavan how do you plead
Hailey: guilty your honour

Everyone watched as Hailey got sentenced but what hurt the most is Gabriela couldn't help but think it was her fault after a very hurtful break Hailey had she had been caught going down hill doing everything the way her dad once did Gabriela was heart broken to say the least so heart broken that when her and bode caught wind of it she had left bode and made him leave town thinking this would help Hailey but yet it only made her more angry at Gabriela

Judge: alright well there you have it

Hailey Donavan I sentence you to 5 years in cal state women penitentiary with out chance of parole for 3 years


Judge: watch your tone in my court room Mis prez

As Gabriela watch her daughter get taken away she felt as if she had lost everyone her dad her parents in law her daughter but the sad thing about all of it is bode doesn't even know.....

3 months later

Jake: Gabs come on stop staring at the phone it's been 3 months if she hasn't called yet she's not gonna anytime soon

Eve: plus I feel like the only person that girl gon talk to is her dad cause she know Dam well bode ain't gon judge her

Gabriela: I wish I knew how to get ahold of bode

Bode: well you don't need to wish cause I'm right here

Eve: oh dis shit about to get interesting

Bode: hey to you too Eve

Gabriela: bode I u- um I need to tell you something
about Hailey

Bode: okay what she skip class again

Gabriela: no bod-

Bode: okay she get into a fight I- you know what I really don't care cause I'm not leaving this time gabs I need to be here for my daughter but most importantly my wife

Gabriela: bode Hailey's in prison

With that the room fell silent and all eyes were on bode and Gabriela

Bode: what- I mean how gabs she wasn't-

Gabriela: bode she got into a fight at school someone was making fun of her because she didn't talk about her dad and then she stabbed them the other kid he's fine but

Bode: how long

Gabriela:5 with no chance of parole until 3

Bodes legs gave out from underneath him as he broke down over the news about his daughter and of course Gabriela followed bode to the ground like a shadow bode was crying about his baby girl while Gabriela was in here head thinking about how all of this pain in the man she loved the most was caused by her

Mean while why Gabriela and bode both returned to there home to reminisce about there daughter Hailey on another note was paving her way through prison one step out at a time

Bode: I think we should try and go see Hailey gabs

Gabriela: baby I think that's a great idea but she's gonna say no she hasn't even called

Bode: gab she's my daughter

Gabriela: I know bode she's my daughter too but

Bode: but I know how to talk to her

Gabriela knew bode was right and at this point he maybe the only one who can get Hailey to crack under pressure

Gabriela: okay so we go see her tomorrow at noon

Bode: gabs are you sure you want to do this

Gabriela: I don't but you do so you will she's our daughter bode but most of all she's all of you bode the day Hailey got sentenced you should have seen her face mi amor it was almost like a mirror version of you when you declined your parole

Bode felt happy that he's daughter resembled him but at the same time felt pain cause this is not what he wanted for her

The day of the visit

Hailey's pov


I was shocked to say the least I know it can't be my mom she knows that I wouldn't want to see her but who could it be I thought deeply in my head as I walked into the visitng room and then I seen the back of a figure I never thought I'd see again and it sparked my happiness but not enough for me to show but my words had other plans

Hailey: d-dad

I said with a crack in my voice and with that he turned around the man I have been dying to see for almost 2 years was now standing in front of me

Bode: Hailey Elizabeth

My dad said with a smile I knew whenever he called me by that name it was either cause he was mad at me or cause he truly meant what he was about to say

Hailey: dad wha-what are you doing here I thought I'd never see you again

Bode: well hails I came back to fight for you and your mom but right now I clearly am here to fight for you to be out

Hailey: dad don't worry about me

Bode: now you see Hailey that's the thing I'm not my dad okay and at the end of the day you and your mother are the only things I have left in this world besides nena to fight for

Hailey: omg nena ho-how is she
I stared to tear up thinking about my gandmother

Hailey: daddy nena wrote me letters and an-and I didn't even right her back I mean da-dad what kind of a granddaughter am I omg

Bodes pov
I could see the pain in my little girls eyes as panic sinks in her breathing got choppier as she stared to have an attack just like her mom I reached my hand for her face and talked her through it just like gabs and I always did

Bode: mija breath baby ok look at me 1,2,3

Hailey's breathing started to slow and become even again

Bode: we're gonna get through this okay baby me you mom nena pa all of us okay

Hailey: daddy momma sooo mad at me isn't she

Bode: nah baby she isn't mad but she is worried so I figured maybe we could give her a call

As I dialed Gabriela's number into my cellphone
Hailey instantly took the phone and ofc Gabriela answer on the first ring

Gabriela: bode is everything okay why are you calling me

Hailey: actually mom it's me

Gabriela: mija

Hailey: mom dads De vuelta ahora podemos ser una familia otra vez

I heard Hailey and Gabriela talking in Spanish I knew a far amount over being with Gabriela over the years and Hailey and gabs always talked it

Gabriela: oh baby we were always a family now we're just back where we belong

Hailey: mom?

Gabriela: yes baby

Hailey: mom I didn't do it and I know I should have said something sooner and before I pled but mommy it wasn't actually me

Gabriela: baby I believe you okay but right now you have to listen to me Hailey you will get parole and you know what you will join fire camp and you will be just like your dad baby

Hailey: I love you mom

Gabriela: I love you too baby girl

As I listen to my daughter and my wife I felt at home again but the main thing missing was Hailey

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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