Chapter 1: Before the Divorce

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(7 days before the divorce)

After Mark and Wallter adopted Lampert a few years back, things got a lot worse for their marriage. But Mark and Wallter tried to make up their differences so Lampert would not get scared from any yelling or fighting. One night the fighting got bad. At night with Lampert "asleep", the yelling started once again, but much worse. It went from yelling to cursing to Wallter hitting Mark with a empty can of gray stuff and Mark groaning in pain as Wallter just walks away to get a another can of gray stuff and Mark weakly yells, "I want a divorce!" this leaves Wallter in shock but he agrees because he secretly hated Mark, little did they know, Lampert heard everything and was bawling his eyes out.

Wallmark angstOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant