Attempting To Leave

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Miles looked around, choosing to ignore the fact that the Administration was filled with dead bodies. A few were decapitated, but most of the bodies had their heads still attached to their bodies. 

Blood and guts were all over the floor and walls, making Miles resist the urge to gag. Miles glanced up at the window he was thrown out of, his eyes drawn to the words below it a second later.

 "'Proclaim the gospel.' Okay," Miles muttered slowly before glancing around.

"Security control. The officer said security control. Now where would that be?" Miles wondered aloud before turning around and seeing a hallway that led off somewhere.

Miles hurried there and stumbled to a stop when he spotted a patient sitting in a wheelchair. Miles steeled himself and walked past the patient, who thankfully ignored him, and tried the first door he saw. 

The room was unlocked, thank God. The room looked like some kind of lounge, with three men with deformities on their heads, arms, and hands wearing similar uniforms staring blankly at a static-filled television.

A crowd of dead men watching a dead channel. They look like patients. They look like they survived whatever's happened here, but nobody's home,Miles thought before hurrying to another room and opening it.

This room looked like some sort of office or conference room, and in the back right corner sat the dear body of a security guard. Miles ran over and grinned in delight at the sight of the key card to security control. 

With a quick glance around the room, Miles grabbed the key card and rushed back to the lounge, hoping to gain access to security control and find a way out of this eerie place. The three deformed men continued to stare blankly at the television, seemingly unaware of his presence.

"Now I can get out of here. Holy hell," Miles muttered as he made his way back the way he came. The patient sitting in the wheelchair from before suddenly lunged at Miles, making him yell in surprise, and tackled the reporter to the ground.

"Get them out! Please! The Doctor is dead! Rip them clean! You have to help me!" The patient begged wildly before Miles shoved him off, and the patient scrambled away from him before curling into a fetal postion. 

Miles quickly got up, and rushed down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest as he searched for security control. Miles hurried down a different hallway, skidding to a stop when he saw a patient bash down a door. After a long moment, Miles continued down the hallway, sighing with relief when he noticed he had finally found security control.

Using the key card, Miles burst into the room and shut the door behind him. Miles turned to the computers, which were working, much to Miles' relief, and sat down in the swivel seat. Miles quickly started to type in the code for the front doors. As Miles typed in the code, his hands trembled slightly from the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. 

He couldn't shake off the image of the patient's wild eyes and the haunting screams about a dead doctor. Miles glanced up quickly to see the priest from before in one of the cameras, his hand on a lever. Miles inhaled sharply when he realized what type of lever it was.

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