Book Four-4

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Keigo then allowed people of the press to ask questions;

Q: What will happen to the collaborations between Shining and Raging?

"As of now, they will go as planned with Santos Kyo taking care of everything for Raging studios. As Santos Kyo's daughter I can confirm that my father has good intents and wants the best for those under Raging studios." Kana stated

Q: With this recent outbreak in a killer drug should the common citizen be afraid of this drug?

"Being that anyone who doesn't have a quirk can get ahold of this drug, it is best that all of those who uphold a quirk should be wry if any of the people around them hold bad blood around them that don't have quirks." Hawks stated with a firm nod "I've seen many cases where spouses, ex-spouses, neighbors or even people who were once friends would turn on one another because of quirks being around. The 'Red Death' pill is a dangerous pill and it can dissolve in the mouth rather easily. So no one with a quirk is safe from it." 

Q: Asaya, it is known that you are a graduate from UA hero academy, yet you aren't a hero but an idol why is that so?

Yuki let out a sigh before she leaned against the podium. "You get kidnapped twice because of your bird brain of an elder brother saying 'hey this teenager who is in UA is my baby kid sister!' without telling you first, then without asking you about it-telling all of japan that you're related to him. Then tell me why...I was abducted twice by two different villains who has had a vendetta against my brother. He and I were never close when he first found out about us being related. But neither one of the villains even believed me, both of them were so hot headed and in denial that they beat me half to death. Not to mention they burnt my feathers which took a while to get them back. This mark on my left eye shows just how much of a 'hero' my brother was to me. Which he wasn't, he had 'better things to do' than to save me." Yuki said seriously

Keigo frowned as he heard her speak, he really wished she didn't say what she had. But he knew he had no right to be angered or upset with her when it was on him for not thinking about what announcing to the world that she was his sister would do to her.

"Being hospitalized twice because of him opening his mouth made me realize that if I wasn't a hero I wouldn't be a target for those who have a vendetta against him. I ran it passed those who ran the school and they were in agreement, and allowed me to go through the school as per-normal but didn't expect as highly from me since I wouldn't be coming out as a hero like my classmates had been. Sure I may be known as a traitor to those who graduated the same year that I had. Especially by those in A class who are complete hypocrites, had they not made me feel like I didn't belong with them I personally wouldn't have been up here talking with all of you lovely people."

Q: Asaya you have made a large impact so far on those who have quirks being in the idol scene, if you hadn't had your quirk would you still pursue what you are now?

Yuki smiled and nodded her head. "Of course I would! I love singing and making people smile with what I do. With every song that I place out shows a bit of my love for everything that I do. I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have if it wasn't for all of my senpai's from STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT. They've really helped me out and I'm so thankful for all of them."

Q: Ootori Eiichi, with you being the leader of HEAVENS and the youngest son of Raging, do you blame Hawks and his sister for the lock-up of your father?

Eiichi scoffed. "Never, if neither one of them would have called the police about my father I would have. All my father has obsessed about for the last few years is how those with quirks are 'ruining the world', which isn't true at all. I'm thankful that they came when they had, I'm glad that Hawks had the intelligence to do what he had and the resources as well."

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