128 10 5

A robber? Intruder? Villain?
I felt the hair in the back of my neck raise, goosebumps running over my skin everywhere. My heart at the bottom of my stomach, it felt so heavy I felt like I was about to pass out from this fear.

It was about time I hear those 'climbing noises' getting louder, gosh if I wasn't such a pussy I'd kick it straight out when it reaches the balcony on sight.

As I hear it dangerously get close, I could hear it panting, gasping for air -

I screamed.


In contrary to what I was focusing on, it was the glass that shattered, I whimpered whipping my head to the side to see the fragments of my window on the floor. And a fucking shadow.

I almost peed.

I stood my ground, not about to blindly run in like some idiot.

I see a man, fall ahead unto the ground. Clutching his waist and groaning in pain I assume. His or someone else's blood staining my floor. My eye twitches at the mess. Why do I even care about that?

Yet my legs still shivered, there were many things that went through my mind.

'I'm scared.'

'He looks hurt.'

'Is he?'

'What's he doing here.'

"Hands up where I can see em!" Is the first sentence that I blurt out of my mouth. Come on, couldn't I think of anything better?

I hear some coughing in response and I tilted my head, to get a better view, narrowing my eyes. I crept a little closer, making sure the butcher knife in my hand was loud and clear.

"P-Put your hands where I can see em!"

His head snaps back up to look at me and I almost scream again, but I keep my mouth shut this time to stand my ground, to look strong.

The man - I don't know to me it looks like he's trying his best to threaten me, but all I could hear from here was: "Mmmmmm...." Murmuring and what not.

This guy looked beat up.

I wasn't feeling scared anymore, just concerned. Worried for his condition watching him try to get up whilst holding his waist.

I shook my head when he fell back down again, "Okay, I'm not an asshole so take it easy." Without hesitating I grabbed his arm and supported his walk to my couch.

I gently lay him over it and dusted my hands looking into his eyes that simply stared back and watched what I was doing, observing.

With stimulation running through my veins I dashed to help him as soon as possible.

The gash on the side of his waist was oozing out blood in an alarming rate, I grabbed some water and my first aid kit. Settling down on a small stool beside the couch I begun my work.

I bended the water over his injury, it glows while doing so.

I hear him let out a relaxed sigh, cold isnt really comfortable for things like that, but something about it was different. I won't really know, never experienced it.

It took an hour but I healed his wound with my quirk for a bit, I didn't heal it fully since it would take a toll on my body.

Come on I gotta consider myself too!

I healed it enough anyway and I quickly but carefully cleaned the area and bandaged his waist.

I pulled back from him stretching my back, my bones popping satisfying my ears. I stood up from my chair hovering over his sleeping figure. Seemed to have fallen victim to slumber while healing.

𝘚𝘌𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘋 𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗶Where stories live. Discover now