Chapter 2

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Four hours of typing later, I hear a knock on my door. I hum a reply, letting the person come in.

"Hey beautiful."

I dont even have to look up to know the source of the voice. Axel. Sighing, I look up from my screen to

meet his brown eyes.

"How may I help you on this lovely day?" I ask him.

"I'm here to tell you that the date offer still stands," he says with his chin up.

I shake my head remembering the number of times I have to put up with him insisting I go on a date with


Hes a 6'2 Hispanic man with black hair. I would definitely say he is blessed when it comes to his looks.

Hes almost every girls dream. The bad thing is that hes a heart breaker.

The number of women he has dated on this floor alone sickens me.

"And I'm here to tell you that my answer is still no."

"But how could you resist a hot guy like me? "

What's up with men and thinking they're irresistible?

"Because I don't want to be played."

"Played? I'm not a player. What makes you think that?"

"Think about the number of women you've been involved with. The you tell me. "

"Umm like two. "



"What about Jeannie, Cynthia, Sabrina, Cassidy, Diamonique and Rylan? Who are they to you? Are they your sisters? "

"No, they were just ladies I was testing out."

"Testing? I'm guessing that I'm one of your little experiments too. Will you test me like litmus

and dump me down the drain? "

"Not if you're as gullible as they are," He chuckles.

"Let me tell you one thing. You cannot mark your fingerprints on a girls heart, have her fall for you, then
dump her three weeks after that and move on with her work mates. No girl is an experiment. I know
they may not like me, but as a woman, I am proud to say, it is not acceptable." I say as I grab my purse
and walk out to get lunch.

Leaving him behind, I think about how I dont know where the courage to speak up for once came from. I

have always been known as the reserved, shy girl but recently, I've been finding my flame.

"Ms. Jenkins"

"Mr. Smith" I smile and nod to the sweet petite man as I pass him on the way to the elevator.

Mr. Smith is our department head and probably the sweetest man I know, besides my dad and Christ, of


He actually cares about us and always lends us a listening ear which is very rare to find in department

heads. Especially at this company.

The elevator doors slide open, to reveal Jeannie walking out, looking at her acrylic nails. I send her a
smile as she catches my eye, only to get a snort back.

Well, whatever. I dont know why she despises me and I could care less cause I know I havent done
anything wrong to her.

Before the elevator doors close, Adrienne, my assistant rushes in.

Serene RoyaltyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora