Chapter Eleven:The BloodBath

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Barley immediately ran, like her life depended on it because it was not just her life on the line, it was Adam's she ran at a speed she didn't know she was capable of going, as she ran she leaned down and grabbed the small knife she has spotted an...

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Barley immediately ran, like her life depended on it because it was not just her life on the line, it was Adam's she ran at a speed she didn't know she was capable of going, as she ran she leaned down and grabbed the small knife she has spotted and continues running. The adrenaline pumps through her body as she runs over to Adam who's stood aimlessly looking around at the chaos.

Barley catches the pack fighting tributes as she runs past, Treech swinging down his axe and nearly catching Lucy Gray, with the others fighting as well. When she finally reaches Adam she crouches down in front of him taking hold of his face in her hands.

"Hey, Hey I'm here,"Barley tells the young boy.

With her back turned she doesn't see Circ running towards them with a sword but Adam does.

"Barley Looking out!"Adam shouts.

Barley turns around just in time and kicks Circ straight in the chest as he falls back however the edge of his sword slashes across her right cheek, the blood beginning to flow but it's not life-threatening. Before Barley can do anything, a trident is stabbed into Circ's chest.

The pack regroups and they spot Lucy Gray and Jessup running below ground and into the tunnels, so they follow behind as fast as they can, Barley grabs hold of Adam's hand and pulls him along with her.

As the Pack entered the tunnels, Treech was the first to spot the pair from Twelve trying to kick their way through the door. "This way"Treech shouts the rest of the Pack following after.

Barley spots two figures coming across from the other side of the tunnel, as they get closer Barley sees it's Hy and Sol. Jessup and Lucy Gray make it through the door with Sol trying to climb through after them.

Mizzen and Treech take down Hy together with Mizzen throwing his net over the boy from five distracting the boy, only for Treech to slash the boy from Five across the throat with his axe. Coral takes care of Sol piercing her trident through the girl's back causing her to let out an ear-piercing scream that will haunt Barley forever.

Tanner and Coral then drag the girl back through the door allowing the body to slump on the ground.

Coral looks over at Treech. "Hey, Lumberjack, get in there and get her out"Coral demands.

"I'm not sticking my head in there,"He says snarkily. "She could be waiting with a brick"he continues.

Coral lets out an annoyed huff as she grips tighter onto her trident. "I knew we should've recruited that Reaper kid,"She tells the group before storming off down the hallway.

The rest of the pack stands in awkward silence not knowing what to say or do before Adam speaks up. "Your girlfriend is kinda scary,"Adam tells the group.

Treech and Tanner nod in agreement, Adam then gets a closer look at Barley's face. "Are you okay? That looks like it hurt"Adam asks his older sister trying to check she's okay.

Barley smiles down at her brother. "I'm fine just a cute, might scar but nothing more,"Barley tells her younger brother before grabbing his hand and following down the hallway in the direction where Coral went.

A few minutes later the pack emerges from the tunnels and back into the main area of the arena, the older boys are made to move and check the bodies and when Barley spots Circ's corpse she immediately looks away. Barley, Mizzen, and Adam are tasked with looking through the weapons, Barley placing her knife into her pocket.

Barley is picking up some discarded weapons a few meters away from where Adam and Mizzen are, the two young boys engage in conversation but both keep looking over at Barley every few seconds.

Coral then approaches Barley, kneeling in front of the blonde teenager taking hold of her left cheek, and turning her head so she can expect her cut. "Does it hurt?"Coral asks with deep concern in her voice.

Barley smiles up at her. "It stung a little when it happened but it's okay now"Barley tells her confidently.

Coral still inspects the cut just to make sure it's not infected before letting go of her face, Barley immediately missing the read heads touch.

Once everything has been collected and sorted The Pack heads back into the tunnels, With Coral, Treech, and Tanner at the front, with Barley and the younger tributes at the back. The pack soon stops for a moment and Barley sees Mizzen slide down against the wall with his net falling next to him so Barley sits down next to him.

"You okay, little fish?"Barley asks.

The young boy just sighs, Barley notices the way his face has paled and looks like he's been part of a thousand wars, Barley puts her arm around him and pulls him into a tight hug, allowing the boy to cry quietly into her shoulder, the tears staining her white t-shirt.

The pack soon continued their walk deeper into the tunnels, the two younger tributes holding onto Barley's hand for dear life, like Barley was going to disappear into thin air. Barley squeezes their hands gently to let them know she's still there with them.

As they walk in silence, Adam decides he doesn't like the silence and speaks up. "Hey, Treech!"The twelve-year-old calls out to the boy a few feet ahead of him.

"What's up, Adam?"The boy asks turning back to look at the younger boy.

"Can I have your hat?"The boy asks.

"No"Treech responds with a small smile on his face.

A pout appears on the younger boy's face and Treech sighs before taking off his hat and placing it on Adam's head, the hat is a little bit too big for Adam so it falls in front of his eyes but turns and looks up at Barley.

"Look, Barley, me and Mizzen match now"Adam says with a proud smile.

Barley just watches the young boy with a smile, it's nice to see him still being able to behave like the child he is, she is glad the games haven't stolen his innocence just yet.

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