Chapter 7 (KentaKim)

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Tony tries to manipulate Babe by reminding him of all the privileges he gave him, the fact that his father left him and that he was the only one who stood by him. Babe yells at him and tells him she's not coming back to him. Tony continued to fire at them, but without hitting anyone. He stood up and aimed at Babe, but hit Way instead. At this point, both Pete and Babe are out of bullets. Tony pointed the gun at Charlie because he knew that was the only way Babe would give in. Babe was trembling and afraid that the person he loved most who was alive would be hurt because of him. 

Tony was grinning like he'd won a great battle. He was going to make Babe and the rest work for him until they died. He wanted to teach him a lesson for ignoring him and ruining all his plans. When he pulled the trigger... He felt an enormous pain in his back. Kenta "his son", the one who said he loved him, the one who told him his father, and the one who, no matter how much he beat or scolded him, stayed by his side like an obedient dog that just stabbed him.

Kenta pov:

I love him and always have. I knew what he was doing was wrong, but in my childhood, he was the only man who stayed by my side, the one who sent me to a school to learn and who gave me everything. I was aware that he had many enemies and so did I, thanks to him. I respected him because I had a roof over my head and because I was his right-hand man. 

But the moment he told me that he never considered me his son, I was deeply hurt in my soul. He immediately replaced me with Winner, not thinking that I had been with him all these years. So, as a form of revenge, I gave Alan and Jeff all the evidence to denounce and arrest Tony. I thought it would end like this without anyone getting hurt. but I was wrong. 

Tony was going to kill everyone, he wasn't going to stop there. Then I realized that the others were right, especially Babe. He was the most "hunted" by Tony. He always asked me to be on his side and help him catch Tony, but every time I refused. I helped Jeff escape once, but that was all I could do. I didn't want to betray my father. I knew as well as Tony that Charlie was Babe's weak point. When Charlie faked his death, Babe fell to the ground.

 I saw in the hospital how he passed out when he heard the news. I saw that moment after he wanted to stab Babe but to no avail that he was going to shoot Charlie. I don't know why, but then I felt guilty. He was probably the only child adopted by Tony who never turned on him. So I decided to take action and stabbed him. It was very hard for me to do this, even though I knew it was the right thing to do. I saw everyone shocked that I stabbed Tony. He turned to me visibly shocked that I was the one who had hurt him. I didn't want to see him again, I hated him, so I instinctively twisted the knife harder into the wound. That was the end of Tony, but probably mine too, because I had no one left.

Kim's POV:

After defeating Winner, me, North, and Sonic went back to the big room where the auctions were taking place. We all tried to keep Way alive by talking to him to keep him conscious. We saw Tony as he was walking towards us, especially Charlie who was about to shoot him, when Kenta, the one we didn't expect any of, stabbed Tony deep, causing him to die. After most of them went to the hospital with Way, I saw Kenta in a corner, crying. I knew she always cared about Tony because she was always there for him, even if he was fighting or hitting. So I decided to go to him and talk. I wanted to help him. I approached him and saw how he quickly wiped the tears from his face.

Kenta: Did you take Way to the hospital? 

I was surprised that at that moment he was not thinking about himself but about others. I knew he had a good soul, but he hadn't had the chance to show it.

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