Chapter 12

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It was a luxe resort with beautiful fittings, the lounge bar spacious with exotic planters on display, Anna noted. There were two other couples occupying comfortable chairs grouped at a round table, and Anna offered a faint smile as she crossed to a distant table.

A waitress appeared as soon as they were seated, and it was easy to lean back against the cushions.

'This is a nice place.' It was an ideal setting, even for guests who might choose not to play golf.

'I thought you'd like it.'

So he'd been here before. Undoubtedly with a female companion. Not, Anna fervently hoped, occupying the same suite. The mere thought verged towards...tacky.

'No,' Liam offered with indolent amusement, and she arched a deliberate eyebrow.

'As if I care.' Except she did, and it bothered her more than she wanted to admit.

Three years, she decried silently? Of course he's been with other women. what if he hadn't brought one of them here. Big deal.

The waitress delivered their tea, enquired if they wanted anything else, and when they declined she merely offered a polite smile, took note of their suite number and returned to the bar.

'Is this where we discuss the state of the nation, world economics, your latest take-over venture?' Anna posed, and saw his mouth widen with humour.

'The short or long version?'

'Whatever, as long as you don't send me to sleep.'

'We could, of course, discuss your day.'

'Preferably not.'


Nothing specific. Just a faint niggle that wouldn't go away. 'It takes a while for a new teacher to be accepted into the student demographic.'

Liam caught the edge of tiredness in her voice, the pale features and the smudges beneath her eyes which the brief nap during the drive had done little to alleviate.

He stood to his feet. 'Let's go.'

For a brief moment he glimpsed her uncertainty, then it was gone. 'I'm fine.'

Doubtful, he perceived, ignoring her protest.

Her nervous tension rachetted up a few notches as they entered their suite, and she removed her earrings, slid off her watch and bracelet, then she gathered up a cotton sleep-shirt and disappeared into the en suite, where she undressed, removed her make-up and cleaned her teeth.

Hardly a pretty sight, she admitted as she spared her mirrored image a glance, and told herself she was beyond caring.

She closed her eyes, then opened them again.

Time to go face her husband...and whatever the night would bring.

Except he wasn't occupying the bed. Nor had he discarded his clothes. Instead, he was seated at the small desk in front of an open laptop.

He glanced up and met the faint surprise evident in her startled gaze. 'Go to bed. I won't be long.'

'You're offering me a reprieve?'

His eyes darkened. 'You want me to change my mind?'

Don't say a word, she bade herself silently. Just slip beneath the sheets of the comfortable large bed, settle in, close your eyes, and sleep if you can.

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