[C2] Day One

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Y/n opened his eyes, being met with darkness and the cold.

"Oh.. i died" he said quietly, not that he was surprised, his parents were dead, the stranger was dead, the dogs dead... in the middle of a forest on private property.. Of course he wouldn't be saved. Y/n hugged himself, he could have shut the door on the man at the door, then maybe his parents would be alive, maybe then the dogs would still be alive. And the old man who gave Y/n the dobermans and basically his whole property and anything he has, gone, only for the lost travelers to find now.

He thought about how the news would put the story, how his parents were found dead in their house, their son in a house miles away with two dead dogs by the front, a dead dog upstairs, some kid shot in the chest, and a man next to him, shot twice. "Is this it..? Does heaven and hell not exist?" Y/n asked no one particularly, and just then, a bright flashing light blinded him, forcing him to close his eyes and look away.

It was just like waking up, Y/n's senses slowly coming back, the feeling of concrete and something disturbingly wet that his hand was on, the smell of flames, gasoline, and metallic to which his guess would be blood, and the loud sounds of crashing, booming, bombs most likely, yelling, and a lot of it. Y/n lifted his hand and whipped whatever was on it onto his leg as he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was that he was in some crashed and fucked up city, blood and bodies everywhere, flames here and there too.

He looked up seeing the sky was so red with a giant pentagram. It didn't take a minute for Y/n to realize where he ended up in, it's obvious to realize he ended up in hell, he's not innocent, he's done his fair share of crimes and sins at the age of 19. A childish 19 year old who thought it was fun.

Now look at the consequences in his actions.

Y/n sighed and got up, noticing his appearance was different. His skin was red, he had claws now, long claws, his hair was a few inches longer than before, and his whole outfit changed as well. "Oh shit- this isn't what i expected" he went over to a window to look as his appearance more, and he was right, he had sharp teeth now like some demon- wait he is a demon, "Huh, no horns or tail, guess you can't stereotype hell either" Y/n chuckled to himself before noticing two big shadow figures right behind him which made him freeze.

"You, what's your name" the one of his left said, "Y-Y/n" he answered nervously, not turning around nor looking further into the reflection to see the demons behind him, there was a long pause that felt like hours before the one on the right spoke up, "You died too" his words confused Y/n, which got him so curious he turned around to see the two demons that were about two times bigger than him. Both looked like twins and had dog features, Y/n wanted to ask what he meant by that but was too intimidated by the two's appearance.

The left one noticed his fear and chuckled, "Its us, Redwood and Everest" he said, pointing to himself than the left twin, Y/n's jaw practically dropped to the floor at this information, "Wait wait wait- how is that possible, you two were- well- dogs, now your more-", "Human? Yeah it's shocking to us as well" the left one, Everest, said. Y/n thought for a long moment before realizing, "Wait what if Dakota is here- i-is she here?!" the two twins looked at each other then at the smaller male, "No idea, we were walking around till we smelled your scent and we found you" Redwood answered.

"Oh..-", "She wasn't any saint either, so she must be down here somewhere" Everest told Y/n as Redwood easily lifted Y/n up in his arm, "But for now, you need to be in a safer area then this, the area reeks of danger" as much as Y/n wanted to protest, they weren't wrong, this place is literally hell, not many people are saints, shit, there's murderers who kill without reason, and he didn't want to meet with those kinds of demons. And these two have protected him, there's no reason to not listen to what they said.

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