➖️Issue#1:Welp. I Died.➖️

Start from the beginning

Presence:I am known to be merciful from time to time. Which is why I will not frolic around with what I am about to ask you..

Me being me, I scooted a bit closer and leaned in as the next words that came out of the Presence mouth were very special to me

Presence:Would you like to have a second chance at life?


Hey. I wasn't about to say 'no' to a second chance at life, if this man right here can give me that chance you can beat your ass I'll take it..no homo.

Presence:No hesitation. That is good, it keeps you sharp. Now then..

The once ordinary room vanishes and is replaced with both of us standing in literal space with planets and stars surrounding us; now usually I would freak out but I was too busy paying attention to good ole' Presence here

Presence:I can either bring you to an entirely different universe and let you live there or you may choose who you wish to be and I will send you to a universe of my choosing

My first thought was that maybe I could just be in another universe where my life was meant to be or I could be anyone who I wanted to be and just risk it.

"When you saying anyone..you really do mean anyone, right?"

The Presence just nodded his head 'yes' as one singular person came to my mind; this was a literal one a million chance and it was one thing I always dreamed of being

"I want to be Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen. Man is on whole another level.."

I watched the anime and man was the definition of HIM. It seriously sucks that I would have to wait until 2025 until I saw season three but it is what it is

Presence:Hmm. That sounds reasonable enough, I assume you want all of his abilities as well?

I instantly nodded my head 'yes'. Was it considered cheating? Yes. Did I care about it? Fuck no. I wasn't gonna fucking waste years and years of my childhood to get all of those abilities

Presence:Very well then. Just know I will grant you the knowledge on how to use his abilities. Think of it as a shortcut.

If the Presence himself was willing to give me a shortcut to gaining all of Satoru Gojo techniques then why the fuck would I say no? Man literally pulled me from the afterlife to give me a second chance

Out of the corner of my eye, a white door just magically popped out of nowhere as the Presence held out his hand gesturing towards it

Presence:Just know once you stepp through this door. Your old life will be gone and your new life will begin in the universe of my choosing..

There was no going back. This was going to be it. My second chance at life, my first one wasn't special by any means. Also I didn't know where I was going to end up surely it wasn't going to be a bad

"That's a risk that I gotta take.."

I took a deep and slowly began to walk towards the door as it just flung itself open; I guess it sensed that I was ready to step through and I truly was, I looked into the endless abyss that was through the door and..walked through it

Presence:I will be in contact with you. Have you prosper in your second chance..

I turned around to ask the Presence something but the door closed as I fell through the ground and began to scream for my fucking life

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! AAAAAHH---"



I opened my eyes and frantically looked around as I found myself in a pretty good apartment, I noticed my immediate height difference and shades covering my eyes; I began to just walk around the apartment trying to find a mirror

But when looking for one, I stopped dead in my tracks and saw my own reflection one of the many tall windows; I lowered down my shades and looked at my new reflection

But when looking for one, I stopped dead in my tracks and saw my own reflection one of the many tall windows; I lowered down my shades and looked at my new reflection

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"It actually worked. Hell yeah..."

I felt something in the palm of my hand as I looked down and saw a yellow sticky note and read it out loud

"Don't waste it, Ian. My mercy isn't a gift to be squandered.."

Believe me the last thing I wanted to do was waste this second chance, I could already hear my voice had been changed as well to the dubbed version of Satoru Gojo which was absolutely fine by me

I looked out the window and put my hands in my pockets as I could see the beautiful sunrise basking the city I was in, in all of his warmth and extraordinary beauty; it was time to start my new life as the incredibly badass Satoru Gojo

To be continued...

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