"woww most embrassing moment in life"- sia said
and everyone looked at rajmata
"oke lemme think"- she said
"actually it was when i first meet my husband"- she said and everyone hooted

"wowwww say say maa saa i also wanna listen"- abhay said

"actually my husband and his family were coming to see me and I didn't knew who was coming
i was sitting in a cafe chilling bcz i had time before their arrival i was engaged in my phone and when i looked up my purse was missing
i saw here and there than i found that someone is holding my purse
i was so mad that i go to him and without listening anything i shouted on him and blame him later on i got to know he was innocent he just picked up my purse from floor and the roasting he did of me in public was so embrassing for me

i felt so embrassed and most embrassing was that time when i saw him in my house and get to know he was the prince"- rajmata said and everyone laughed

"maaa saa told us na what u said to him that time when u thought he is a thief"- akriti said while taking interest and everyone eyes sparkled and looked at rajmata...

rajmata name - Rehana
rajmata husband - raguveer

a beautiful girl with open hairs and with a simple plain anarkali suit is sitting in the cafe using her phone and waiting for her coffee
her long beautiful hairs brown hazel eyes a small bindi on forehead big pair of earrings beautiful smile on her face and a shining face without makeup and
gungroo were laying on table
she was completely engaged in her phone seeing the dance steps that she even didn't knew where she is
busy in her own world... REHAANA SHARMA

a girl who loves her passion work and trying to be successful
clumsy alot always break rule
she likes to live her life not a bird that is clases in caged with time and society
always stay as she is happy clumsy
everyone call her sunshine as her face never leave a smile
and her life have happiness and she believes to work with time and just go with the flow......

a tall handsome looks strict a tall man with beared
his aura was enough to make anyone shut but still every girl drool over him
hella rich prince of rajput
a cold hearted man with tight Schedule in his life
his work is his hobbie and passion
and can do for his reputation
always fixed of his words and always work with time
everyone call him "evil"

he played with time very well always 2 steps ahead from time and along with it his every work is 5 step aheah from people thinking
sharp mind with a big muscular body....

god I'm sitting here for past 15 minutes nor that bitch had came nor she send the dance vedio nor my coffee arrived yet
this life sucks

finally yes yes she sended me the vedio
i took my purse which is not less than a bag
i put my hand inside and took out my earplugs amd start listening and seeing the music and dance with full focus
we have competition and i have to win and i can
i was full engaged in my song and dance that idc about my surrounding at all....

i was working on laptop in car
'stop the car' i said and driver did
i came out of car and said " i will be back soon until that take rest"
i said and left
arghh i need coffee
i enter in the cafe while engage in my phone and checking mails i enter in cafe and everyone bowed to me i nodded and go to reception area
"one black coffee"- i said in dark aura and the manager nodded
"sir vip room that way"- manager said and i show him my palm and he shut his words in throst
"i will sit where i want "- i said and he nodded
i sit on regular costumer chair
everyone was shocked and looking at me and i was hating it
" do ur business or i will ruin ur business"- i said in dark voice and everyone shifted their gaze from me
i was checking mails when one waiter brings me my coffee bcz they knew it i don't like wasting a single second....
i took a sip from coffee and look around me
my eyes fall on a girl
she was engaged in her phone her hairs were falling on her head her hands were continuously clicking non stop
she had a pout on her face and soft clumsy creamy lips
mr. raguveer rajput these are not ur principles so stop drooling over a girl- i cursed myself and again start checking mails but my thoughts were stuck on that beautiful girl
i saw again her side and this time i saw someone was grabbing her bag from table and she was unaware of it

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