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After Elijah's father had gone on the run after he had snitched on himself unintentionally, he and his brother sat in the living room watching TV with a bowl of popcorn on the table, it was buttered up and a salt shaker was near it so that Jonah can really "savor the flavor", much to Elijah's dismay and complete rejection of Jonah's point. The news was on and it was set on a high speed chase. A black Volkswagen was escaping five police cars allegedly opening fire and maiming 3 of them. As the two watched Elijah remarked something about the driver.

"That brotha can drive."

Jonah nodded in agreement seeing as he drifts through road after road juking every single police car that ever came close. As the driver yet again opens fire on the police cars, he disables 2 police cars in one shot after the tires came off one and crashed into another sending them off course into a building, he remarked.

"And he can shoot too."

Elijah responded to him after getting a clear glimpse of the gun that the driver had been using

"He getting em off course with a-"

Elijah noticed the model much clearer removing his previous guess from consideration and going straight with a justified one.

"Hold on ain't that a 42?"

Jonah responded to him after getting a clear glimpse of the car aswell.

"That is a 42.."

Elijah trying to gather his thoughts finally voices out his revelation shocking his brother, Jonah and getting him to ponder aswell.

"Ain't dad used a 42 when he was goin away for some official business?"

Jonah responds in a rather shocked way realizing that Elijah was right.

"Oh holy shit you right."

The car continues to speed in the road continuing with it's misdirecting motions prompting a lot of police cars to go off course. The car crashes into a trash bin outside a house and the driver leaves the car, Elijah was right, it was his dad.


Elijah visibly given up on being surprised as he has seen it happen multiple times before responds.

"No doubting."

Their father start sprinting out of the car and running into the road firing at some police officers with extremely high speed jumping fences and going through pedestrians. He jacks yet another car and starts driving out of there again causing yet another high speed pursuit between the officers and their father. Jonah remarked seeing the way his father runs.

"I'm starting to see why this motherfucka almost beat Usain Bolt by .5 seconds."

Elijah in absolute disbelief trying to hide his disdain and the belittlement in his eyes being absolutely shocked.

"You believed that shit?"

Jonah responds in a way that seems like he actually put his trust into the notion.

"Well, now I do."

Elijah kisses his teeth and takes a huge handful of popcorn.

The car remains in constant motion driving through fences and causing havoc in the roads, their father hit a street mime and injures his leg in the process of his pursuit. The mime pulls out a gun and starts shooting at the car their father's driving running fast after the car. Elijah and Jonah seeing this watch in anticipation as the mime starts high tailing it after the car firing rounds at the base and forming dents in the car. Elijah watches in shock visibly wondering why the mime had a gun or better yet why it had survived being ran over by a Volkswagen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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