Chapter 2

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"Do you have rations? Extra kunai? Naruto, you don't want to run out. Where's your tantō? Don't give me that look, they're easier to lose than you would think. How much water do you have? It's scarce in the desert."

"Iruka-sensei, I'll be fine," I groaned as the man rifled through my storage scrolls. Ever since the jounin found out granny gave me a mission to Sunin, Iruka has been strangely motherly, constantly fretting over me. I mean, sure, I prefer this to the harsh glares and cold shoulder back before Iruka took notice of me, but still.

Sending me a frown, Iruka forced himself to close the scroll in his hand, taking a deep breath.

"I know," he said, smiling.

"I'm just worried. This is the first time you'll be leaving the village alone, you know. It's a long way to the Land of Wind." He fretted adjusting the collar of my vest. Before going back to scrutinizing my gear. I know he didn't mean anything by it but I couldn't help but feel a little irritated. He was acting as though I am incompetent. Then again I have been dumbing myself down for 13 years of my life. So I guess he has reason to worry. For not the first time I wondered if acting the idiot was really worth the consequences.

"Be careful, you hear?" He grabbed my ear, eyes narrowing.

"And if you do something stupid like paint the Kazekage tower..."

"I won't prank anyone!" I exclaimed.

"...except maybe Kankuro, but it'll be fine, sensei, you'll see." That guy kind of deserved to wake up with pink hair. He rolled his eyes at this waving me off a fond smile on his lips as I trotted out the gate,

"See you in a few days!" I called over my shoulder strangely excited to see how diffrent this mission will be with out sakura belittling me every step of the way and Sasuke's dispassionate attitude toward everything.

"Come back safely!" Iruka called through cupped hands. When I left his sight, he sighed.

" Naruto of all people is a chuunin now?" Izumo asked, slumping onto the front desk.

Kotetsu rubbed his chin. "I guess with Iruka yabbering in your ear all the time, some of it must stick."

Iruka's head snapped around, a gleam in his eye, and both chuunin squeaked, going rigid and pretending to be going through papers.

"Sensei?" Iruka turned around when Sakura called out to him, walking up with a confused expression.

"Did Naruto just go somewhere?"

"Yes. He has a mission."


I slid my tantō back into its sheath, dusting off my gloved hands. Iruka had given me a few lessons when I made chunin, along with this tantō-it came with a bright orange bow on the hilt. It felt like having two birthdays, especially since it was Iruka who'd gone to the trouble of getting me something, but having a new weapon to use was awesome too.

One would think that using something when I was inexperienced with it could be dangerous (which it could be, if I was an idiot about it), but being a shinobi, I had been handling sharp objects for years. Not to mention the verious assassination attempts from the villagers. Not that anyone cared to notice.

Tying up the bandits who'd tried to rob me together I left them near the patrol route I'd been following. There were no actual roads in the desert, but the nearer to Suna one strayed, the more routes marked on official maps had foot traffic-paths that merchants used in and out of Wind Country.

I felt a little nervous without Sakura's chatter, Sasuke's cool attitude, or even Kakashi's quiet but comforting presence. However, my confidence was bolstered by how easy it had been to take down the bandits and leave them where Suna ninja would find them.

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