//Sisters for the Sun and moon\\

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[After the sleepover Mei, Mia and MK was walking in the streets for Megapoils as they walked Mia heard a voice]

???: Library....

[Mia blinked and she hit her hand as Mk and Mei looked at Mia]

Mia: Freaking voice trying to tell me go to Library!

MK: Mhmm... Maybe it's about that hair pin!

Mei: Yeah! Must be about that hair pin that you are wear Mimi!

Mia: Mimi? Huh new nickname! But well I had an dream about two monkeys, wait the BOOK!!!

[Mia ran as MK and Mei followed her and when they got into the Library they were greeted by the owner for the Library: Ms Long, an sweet old woman who cares about Mia when she was an baby but even she was blind she can hear really well]

Ms Long: Ah, Hello Mia darling what brings you here sweetheart?

Mia: Hey Ms Long, do you have the sisters for the Sun and Moon?

Ms Long: Ah yeah I still have it and who are the two?

MK: Oh I'm Mk the monkie kid!

Mei: And I'm Mei the white dragon horse girl, a.k.a. Mimi cousin!

Ms Long: I see well please enjoy the books and please be quiet.

Trio: We will!!!

[The trio walked to the selfs for the libaray and MK found the book and Mia and Mei smiled and when they got onto the tabel they saw an bird with brown feathers with green and an purple and blue furred cat]

Mia: Oh hello you two.

MK: Umm Mia what are an bird and an cat doing here?

Mia: Oh I forgot the bird I called her: Ally, and I called the cat: Galaxy, they come here when I come!

[The bird looked at MK and the two glarded at each other as Mei, Mia and Galaxy looked at the two]

Mei: Ehh what's going on?

Mia: Well when MK and I were watching DBK rise an orange bird kelt pecking his fingers until he fell onto Hotpepper. Now MK don't trust the birds now

Mei: Ooh that makes sence..

[After Mk stopped staring Ally he looked at the book and Mia opened the book and they started to read the book]

"Once there was 2 monkeys named: Jade Wukong the sister for Sun, and The six-eared Luna the sister for the moon, the duo were both best friends as their brothers were both friends but one day the brothers were both fighting and then became enemies and the brother didn't want their sisters to be friend with each other so they got their sister and went their seprented ways but one day they will be friends again. . ."

[MK and Mei both started to sob as Mia looked at Ally and Galaxy and they both pointed to the next page and Mia turned into the next page it was Jade and Luna playing as little kids and the trio eyes widen and when reading it the trio left they were thinking about until they got lost into an forest and then Mia hairpin started to glow]

//Lego Monkie Kid:A tale Ice Dragon\\Where stories live. Discover now