"Hold on, Sabre-" The Professor begins.

"Light and the Leaders will be looking for me!" I try the door, only to find it locked.

"Assistant Steve, disable lockdown." Professor Red instructs, and the robot grudgingly fiddles with a little keypad. A soft click sounds, and I open the door in a hurry.

"Professor, keep checking on Green." I instruct. "I have to go." Without another word, I bolt out of the room, leaving the door to lock behind me.

As my body wakes up, I realize I'm full of energy. I guess the sleep really did me well, even if I was out for a little over a day. I didn't realize that was possible.  Before long, the path starts to slope upward, right below the Leader's house.  But the entrance to the passage is closed.

"M! M?" I call, wondering if he's even awake. Apparently so, because he opens up the passage, peering down with a confused expression. He's already dressed in pajamas.

"Sabre? It's the middle of the night." He protests. "Can't we wait 'til morning?"

"I'm so sorry, M, but we have to go now!" I clamber out of the tunnel and onto the carpet. "If the leaders have noticed I'm gone, putting it off will only make it worse." M frowns, but quickly nods.

"I can't do it in the middle of the night, though. Half the kingdom will be irritated with me."

"Maybe we can silently teleport away?" I suggest.

It isn't long before we are back at the Abandoned Library. I give M my thanks as I step out into a peaceful moonlit night. The gates to the Rainbow Kingdom cast a long shadow over me as I step closer, noticing two platinum figures moving frantically on top of it. One disappears from sight while the other struggles to open the gates on his own.

"Sabre! You're back!" the remaining guard huffs. "Thank goodness. Are you okay?" A slow, agonizing creak sounds as the gate inches open, finally picking up speed just to show a certain friend of mine on the other side.

"Yes, I'm okay!" I respond to the guard, backing up as I see the furious glint in Light Steve's eyes.

"You. Were gone. For two days."  He marches forward, finger pointed accusingly.

"One and a half." I correct, my voice rising to a squeak.

"I had search parties looking for you!" Something streaks down his face, and I realize he's crying.

"I'm sorry!" I say quickly. "I didn't mean to be gone for so long."

"You didn't tell anyone where you went! Not even the guards."

"They didn't ask this time!" I defend. I might be well-rested for once, but the stress still has me high strung. Light isn't backing down, though.

"That's not an excuse! You could have been hurt!"

"I can take care of myself."

"You don't-" The Captain of the Colorless Guard is abruptly pushed to the side, cutting him off.

"Oh my gosh you're back!" I let out a tiny yelp as electricity runs through me.

"Yellow Leader?" I ask, confused. Usually the Yellow Leader is really strict and haughty. He isn't one for hugs. Yet here he is, slowly suffocating me in a bear hug.

"Oh thank Origin." Apparently there's more than one royal up tonight, because Green Leader quickly follows him outside the gates. They're still dressed in fancy leader clothes, and I wonder how long they've been waiting by the gates, hoping for news.

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